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Hello, I'm Huien. Member of It's F, Bitch, with the title of Lucky Cute Bitch. |
Layout: Lipstick Lullabies XIII. comments
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Last Day of 2007.
I guess I should really sum up what I've done this year.. But oh wells, I should summarise what I've done today. I tell you, the thing that I did the whole day, from morning till just now, was to backup my damn laptop. LOL, it's got Trojan lurking in it, I don't know, I'm a lousy owner so it's rather expected. I've backup-ed everything, dump them into the desktop (With the help of brother :D) and yea, ohmyhollygosh. What most (Ok, I'm ranting on and on about my files and laptop) Ok! 2007, byebyebyebyebye :( I will miss you :( Oh yea baby, so let's see what I've done :D I didn't do anything much.. Except for watching movies, buying tons of cds, buying vcds (ISWAK, DBY, Hana Kimi Jap/Taiwan), watching lots of shows. I tell you, I probably spent 1/3 of my year on one stupid machine.. HAHA :D I told myself I would study hard, file my stuff and so on this year and apparently, nothing of that shit came out... Ok, what have I been doing man!!!! (All these are crap) 1 Doing lots of crap (As stated above) 2 Have stupid hopes of joining CSS II 3 Spent lots of money (Crumpler, Everlast jacket, Stainless Steel pendant with coloured crystals and electric blue choker, LOTS OF CLOTHES, Dramas related stuff (Definitely more than $100 or even $200 : Hana Kimi VCD & Pictorial book & Story book and so on), Magazines) ACHIEVEMENTS 1 Scored 25/30 for CAP (Creative Arts Programme) :D I'm proud of this ok, I loveeeee LA 2 Portfolio (Nothing to be proud about but I love the way I put in effort into doing everything, from writing to designing, I kept everything simple, sweet and elegant) 3 Managed to finish reading LA books (Interesting, for LA last year, I didn't even complete a single book) I guess I've not many outstanding achievements NOT VERY GOOD STUFF 1 Failed Grade 8 Practical (Piano) 2 Dropped from a GPA of 2.93 to 2.53 (Can't get into Triple sciences + Geog, I'm giving up on beloved Biology T-T) 3 Have not completed my 2007 End-of-year holiday homework yet 4 Getting caught like so many times this year by ______ Grahhh! Very soon, I'm going to be 15 so soon!! Then when 2008 flies away, I will be 16 and if shows like Hitman is aired in cinemas, I can go and watch them, and *hiak*, see nehnehs. LOL. Bro said Hitman showed nehneh. What the hell ok! America's PG13 is like Singapore's NC16 (Shows a bit of breast). America's NC17 is Singapore's R21 (Shows more breast, like Lust Caution, or better still, American Pie). America's X-rating, probably shows pussies. HAHAHAHA. Ok, what the hell am I saying. Ok, it's going to be 12 (Not so very soon) But still, wishing everyone A HAPPY 2008 :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D ![]() HOLIDAYS ARE OVER! GET READY FOR SCHOOL :p ![]() ![]() Images from Hoops&Yoyo I'M JUST BEING LAMEEEEEEE :) The Ultimate Crime Fighter
I just finished watching this NC16 TVB show.. It's this year's production I think.. Now I know why it's rated NC16.. Quite scary D: Hahahaha :D![]() Well, I like detective shows what :D So yea, of course I would watch this.. But it's sad though, Gigi Lai died in this show -_- Kevin Cheng is seriously uhm, handsome and charming ok :D :D :D Though he's some gay psychotic person in this show but still he's very handsome. Oh wells, during the recent Let's Shoot, they were discussing about what Singaporean actors and stuff. What I feel is that, Hongkong shows are good, because they have good plot, good actors and budget. And their shows are also educational, like the 'Triumph In The Skies' and 'Lao Po Da Ren', at the end of the show, there will be a video clip explaining stuff. In 'Triumph In The Skies', they even show processes and stuff.. Singapore had 'The Peak' but it didn't exactly show how those ships work and so on.. Well.. We do have numerous good artistes.. But in HK is totally different, whether you're old, young, pretty, handsome, ugly, not-so-good-looking and so on.. As long you can act very well, you'll definitely make it big. ![]() Moses Chan may not be handsome or anything, but he can act really well and has the charisma so he's actually well-liked by many people :) ![]() Handsome but not just with a pretty face, you love him so much as Ji Zai in Yummy Yummy, yet in this show, you will like detest him and stuff.. So it means he can act really well too! And another plus point to HK artistes, a number of them not only can act but can sing as well, and their singing is nice ok :D Ending song of The Ultimate Crime Fighter : Bestow Me A Death Penalty 賜我一死 His voice is good ok :) Ok, I'm missing you badly :( School's reopening!!!!!!!!! D:
New happy song :)喝彩北京 BY 5566 :D W-e-l-c-o-m-e-t-o-b-e-i-j-i-n-g You should know that what i mean Put all words together sugar then u get my message Welcome to beijing 双手比个V 代表欢迎和胜利 我们大声唱 唱到九霄云外去 不分来自欧亚非澳美洲我们都欢迎 Welcome to beijing 胜利在关键的一秒我们在拼命祈祷 和平的蓝黄黑绿红串起那道光 We are young 要站在高岗上 梦想的火光点燃每一刻星光 We are young 人生就像座山 梦想 high high high 直到遇见了未来 W-e-l-c-o-m-e-t-o-b-e-i-j-i-n-g You should know that what i mean Put all words together sugar then u get my message Welcome to beijing 双手比个V 代表欢迎和胜利 我们大声唱 唱到九霄云外去 不分来自欧亚非澳美洲我们都欢迎 Welcome to beijing 拍拍他孤单的肩膀 再一个温暖拥抱 黑暗中只想要给你希望的力量 We are young要站在高岗上 梦想的火光点燃每一刻星光 We are young人生就像座山 梦想 high high high 直到 遇见了未来 RAP : Wake up wake up this is our glory day 我们努力让全世界都看得见 锁定了目标要更高更快又更远 汗水眼泪写下鸟巢光辉一页 请你不要忘记了 Who you are and where you're coming from 不管是什么肤色我们都为你鼓掌 Follow you heart 让这一刻充满感动 2008 我们一起北京加油 We are young 而人生正精采 末知的意外让全世界都期待 We are young 看人生多精采 梦想 high high high 直到 遇见了末来 We are young 而人生正精采 末知的意外让全世界都期待 We are young 看人生多精采 梦想 high high high welcome 到北京喝采 Ah, I can't really come online. My laptop's facing major crisis. It's down with Trojan again -_- I'm such a lousy owner. Grah, time to clean up everything!! Mummy! Hurry up and buy a portable hard disk!! =( Sigh, I miss you so much :( Thanks to all :D
One of my favourite old songs :D :D :D :D :D难以抗拒你容颜 : 张信哲 你仿佛从没见过我只是让我梦成空 伤心不语退缩 幻想也许是你假装不看我 让我得不到更珍惜所有 我试着对你微微笑你总视而不见 何必何必何必 却又难以抗拒难以放弃 就算你对我说别再烦我 你难以靠近难以不再想念 我难以抗拒你容颜 把心画在写给你的信中 希望偶而能够见到你微笑的容颜 你难以靠近难以不再想念 我难以抗拒你容颜 把心画在写给你的信中 希望明天能够见到你会心的容颜 我试着对你微微笑你总视而不见 何必何必何必 却又难以抗拒难以放弃 就算你对我说别再烦我 你难以靠近难以不再想念 我难以抗拒你容颜 把心画在写给你的信中 希望偶而能够见到你微笑的容颜 你难以靠近难以不再想念 我难以抗拒你容颜 把心画在写给你的信中 希望明天能够见到你会心的容颜 你难以靠近难以不再想念 我难以抗拒你容颜 把心画在写给你的信中 希望偶而能够见到你微笑的容颜 你难以靠近难以不再想念 我难以抗拒你容颜 把心画在写给你的信中 希望明天能够见到你会心的容颜 你仿佛从没见过我只是让我梦成空 Ok, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO NICHOLAS YESTERDAY AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY AND MERRY CHRISTMAS TO MAIJONG TODAY :D HAHAHAHA :D Thanks to all who wished me Merry Christmas (Through SMS/MSN/BLOG). Sorry if I didn't wish you or you received like super super late replies, like say 12 hours later, apparently M1 had some problems. Maijong sent a SMS at 12+ midnight but I received it at like 3+ am?? Thanks to Yongquan (Who wished me like so many times), Daddy, Grace, Kuan Liang, Mai Jong, Xinyuan, Bentley, Janelle, Huiying, Eunice Lim, Denise, Maureen, Kasey, Jia Sheng, Yuet Ying, Wen Ting, Ying Ying (2H 'o7), Xueni Hopefully I didn't miss anyone out! :D 2007 is ending real soon! So uh, I must seriously sum up all the things that I've done this year (Which actually ain't very productive -_-, I MUST BE PRODUCTIVE NEXT YEAR!!!!) Merry Christmas :)
Christmas is coming coming coming in less than 1 and half hours time! -_- Man, I don't think I'm excited!!! -_-Ok neverminds. Pictures from BBQ. Just 5. I only have 5 shots -_- Yes Mengran. We went to lizard place. Flies were attacking every single plate we had.... Yucks. Disgusting place. I'm afraid of steamboats already.. (From left to right) First row : Me, Huiying, Charissa Second row : Wentian, Vivyan ![]() (Clockwise direction) Me, Wentian, Vivyan, Huiying ![]() (From left to right) Me, Huiying, Wentian ![]() (From left to right) Wentian, Me, Huiying ![]() (From left to right) Wentian, Me Yea ok. MERRY CHRISTMAS! 圣诞节快乐! メリークリスマス! Not so merry xmas.
I'm dreading this time of the month. It's just this year I hope.Thanks Xinyuan for your Christmas card. It was really sweet and lovely of you :) Uh, Merry Christmas everyone? Anti-depressants
Ah, what the fuck. I seriously need to vent. No I'm not scolding anyone. I'm just feeling over stressed and fustrated. Seriously, everything just sucks. I bet if I see any psychiatrist now, they'd probably diagnose me with depression. Everything's going wrong. My computer can just go and die now. Go go go go go go fucking go die. Please. I'm such a lousy owner, go find some better owner. I don't know where to find the recovery system to recover my files so I can cleanup this stupid darn shitty thing. Don't help me ok! Don't help me. Just leave me alone. Let all my files disappear with this computer. Let my collection of don't know how many thousand songs, all my blogskins code, images, photoshop everything just disappear.Just disappear will y'all! Get the hell fuck out of my life! I'm probably destined to walk this road alone. This fucking sucks. I'm in no mood to watch any of my shows anymore. I'm starting to lose my cool and senses. I can't take all this shit anymore. Carry on putting all the burden on me. I'll probably end up in the mental hospital. Closed off from love I didn't need the pain Once or twice was enough And it was all in vain Time starts to pass Before you know it you're frozen But something happened For the very first time with you My heart melts into the ground Found something true And everyone's looking round Thinking I'm going crazy But I don't care what they say I'm in love with you They try to pull me away But they don't know the truth My heart's crippled by the vein That I keep on closing You cut me open and I Keep bleeding Keep, keep bleeding love I keep bleeding I keep, keep bleeding love Keep bleeding Keep, keep bleeding love You cut me open Trying hard not to hear But they talk so loud Their piercing sounds fill my ears Try to fill me with doubt Yet I know that the goal Is to keep me from falling But nothing's greater Than the rush that comes with your embrace And in this world of loneliness I see your face Yet everyone around me Thinks that I'm going crazy, maybe, maybe But I don't care what they say I'm in love with you They try to pull me away But they don't know the truth My heart's crippled by the vein That I keep on closing You cut me open and I Keep bleeding Keep, keep bleeding love I keep bleeding I keep, keep bleeding love Keep bleeding Keep, keep bleeding love You cut me open And it's draining all of me Oh they find it hard to believe I'll be wearing these scars For everyone to see I don't care what they say I'm in love with you They try to pull me away But they don't know the truth My heart's crippled by the vein That I keep on closing You cut me open and I Keep bleeding Keep, keep bleeding love I keep bleeding I keep, keep bleeding love Keep bleeding Keep, keep bleeding love You cut me open and I Keep bleeding Keep, keep bleeding love I keep bleeding I keep, keep bleeding love Keep bleeding Keep, keep bleeding love You cut me open and I Keep bleeding Keep, keep bleeding love I've never cried this badly for a guy before. Jenny.
She calls me baby Then she won't call me Says she adores me And then ignores me (Jenny, What's the problem?) She keeps her distance And sits on fences Puts up resistance And builds defenses (Jenny, Whats the problem?) You keep me hanging on the line Everytime you change your mind First you say you won't Then you say you will You keep me hanging on But we're not moving on We're standing still Jenny, you've got me on my knees Jenny, It's killing me She needs her own space She's playing mind games Ends up at my place Saying that she's changed (Jenny, what's the problem?) I'm trying to read between the lines You got me going out of my mind First you say you won't Then you say you will You keep me hanging on But we're not moving on We're standing still Jenny, you've got me on my knees Jenny, It's killing me It's killing me It's killing me It's killing me Jenny First you say you won't Then you say you will You keep me hanging on But we're not moving on We're standing still Jenny, you've got me on my knees Jenny, It's killing me First you say you won't Then you say you will You keep me hanging on But we're not moving on We're standing still Jenny, you've got me on my knees Jenny, It's killing me It's killing me Jenny I'm sorry for making you feel like this. Brrr.
Man, my fringe is horrible :/ Hahahaha. I told the lady to cut my fringe shorter, say to my eyebrow there.. And so, while she was snipping it, I closed my eyes (Of course, if not what, hair pokes your eyes O_O) Yea, then, I felt something not quite right. And I opened my eyes. the right part of my fringe was like straight. Like straight, at the eyebrows there. So I was like,"Can you uh, cut my fringe slanted??", I forgot to tell her to cut it slanted! :O So it's very obvious that the left side of my fringe is slanted and the right side is straight.. So in all, my fringe is weird and wrong and just after the lady finish layering my hair and cutting my fringe, I opened my eyes and guess who I thought I looked like....![]() YANG SOON AE! I was like, omg.. I mean I'm not joking, I was like, why did I look so much like her ok, especially I was wearing contacts because I was going for gym after that.. She looks much better, of course but still, it was super alike... Even bro said so after I got home, he was like," Yea, you look so alike -_-" If my fringe was a little shorter, the school would probably ask me to be some role model because my hair is their definition of neat. Ahhhhh, what the hell. Oh my god, I hate kids who poke at my ass or touch it. Some kid was like placing his hand at my butt and pushing me into the train, he was like say 4/5. I don't know. Omg, sucks ok. My hair is horrible...... Star Awards
At this point of time, of course, most people would be talking about Star Awards but yea I would just like to talk about my personal view of certain stuff :) Mostly about the 7 princesses.If you missed the show, you can read up stuff here. Anyway, I was really happy that Metamorphosis was like the Best Drama (I mean c'mon, I like those kind of shows, I like detective shows, so of course, I'd want Metamorphosis to win) and Yvonne Lim won the Best Leading Actress.. She acted so well in Metamorphosis ok!! (It's all about that show :D) Anyway back to the 7 princesses. I remembered when it was still the school term and not holidays, I'd always go home with Wentian, Huiying and Kening so yea we would talk about idol dramas, Taiwanese artistes and of course, some Singapore stuff like shows and the 7 princesses. When those 3 people talked about the 7 princesses, I was like who are they??? I only knew who they were just like say one month ago? And they are ![]() Rui En The princess that I love and admire the most. I think she's the most laidback, frank and coolest girl I've ever seen. I like her style and attitude and I think she looks very friendly in plain clothes, like shirt, shorts, slippers, no makeup. My hot favourite. I like her with a short bob and her role in Metamorphosis. Of course, in 爱情零度 C, I liked her role, together with Julien. ![]() Jessica Liu Her role as the diver in 任我遨游 was striking, so was her role as 软绵绵 in 同心圆. Though Malaysian, I think she has what it takes to make it big, though her dressing was totally wrong today.. ![]() Jeanette Aw Her character in Holland Village might be super dumb but in 任我遨游, it was totally cool and yea, totally the sweetest princess, out of the 7. Did you see the way she dressed during last week's show, totally simple and sweet :D ![]() Dawn Yeoh I would say, she acted quite well, for the first time as a blind girl in 星闪闪 and I really admire her guts for walking in Orchard, dressed up like Lolita. It was rather cute, she dressed up like Lolita again tonight but still, fresh. Way to go. ![]() Felicia Chin Obviously popular, her role as the aloof girl in 任我遨游 didn't really strike me much but now she's sponsoring this and that, and definitely hot favourite among the youths. Still, she's on her way to become the Queen of _______ (?) Hill. LOL. ![]() Fiona Xie The prettiest princess of the 7. She strikes me well as the genie in 小精灵, with this guy, who is forever suaning Lin Mei Jiao during the Star Awards.. I liked that show so much, where she goes like 三八三八四三八 (Read it aloud). Totally cute please :) ![]() Joanne Peh Definitely has the potential, and Mediacorp is also grooming her as well. I think she's like the bubbliest out of the 7? She kept laughing during The Princesses and the Dude. I don't really watch Singapore shows but mum says she's not bad :) So.. hmmm.. Ok, I'm done for today :) I like 5566's new song, for the Beijing Olympics 2008. It's like Chain Hang Low. Totally cute and the dance moves were also simple and nice. Tony's hair is rather sucky though... 斗牛 要不要
![]() Mike is having a new show, which has already aired in Taiwan since 18 November. Hebe stars as the female lead in Bull Fighting. It's a show about basketball and stuff, probably like My MVP Valentine. Trailer of Bull Fighting/斗牛 要不要: Probably I'm too used to Rainie and Mike acting as a couple, from Devil Beside You to Why Why Love but I still think, Rainie would be a cuter couple with Mike, why? Mike is forever a devil in any show, that I can think of.. And for someone to subdue a naughty person, you need someone cute, yet subtle at the same time. So that the guy would appear to be cute when he's worried that this cute girl is going to get snatched away by some other guy? (I don't know whether I'm making everything sound so complicated) But you see, Rainie's cute my nature. In Why Why Love, when she made those ugly faces, it didn't seem ugly but made me laugh because it really had the power to make someone unhappy, or maybe even happy, to laugh. But for Hebe, I think she's those kind who just bicker bicker bicker and not much of cute stuff I suppose? Haha, I don't know but I'll watch and see.. ![]() They Kissed Again 恶作剧2吻 will be airing in Taiwan tonight :) I can't wait to see Joe Cheng and Ariel Lin's life as a married couple. They're married but they're still faced with setbacks like before.. So what will life be, for a IQ 200 genius and a F class overly paranoid girl? Hahaha, zomg, horrible gastric last night. Tried stuffing whole face into the pillow, I think it helps. Man, Singapore's night scenery at 3am is definitely pretty. Should look out almost every night and count the number of cars still travelling. There are like quite alot of cars moving around :] Shoppingggg :D
Omg. I had another long day of shopping yesterday.. (Since it's past 12 midnight).. We shopped from like uh, say 11+ all the way to 4+, from City Hall to Raffles Place -_- And we spent like 600+ coming 700 in total I think!! Omg -_- What the hell. Next time I seriously cannot shopping anymore, with someone that's going to pay for me. Because, the reason is simple. I'm the one that ends up spending the most! -_-Yea ok, so I was diligently doing my homework ok!! And then uh, so we decided to go to Peninsula Plaza (?), near the hotel.. Since bro wanted to buy band tees and uh, jeans.. (Which totally doesn't suit him.. -_- I think he looks "cuter" in pants, jeans are like no-no?) Yea, we had lunch at Raffles City first.. And we went to Bishamon. Ok, so I had this Special Miso Ramen, there are 3 types of miso used in this soup, which is what that makes is special.. And bro and mum had, spicy ramen.. Ok lah! I shall be frank, this place is not worth it. Yes, SO NOT WORTH IT. I mean, I can't go give a fake smile and lie like, Omg, your ramen is so nice so nice but I'd say the soup, is not bad. You'd be smiling away if you drank the soup first then when you eat the ramen, you start shaking your head. I mean, yes. Ramen you see, like Sakae and Tanpopo, it's like um whitish-yellow? I think Ajisen's is rather yellowish. But for this place, it's totally yellow, soggy and it clumps together. Yes, the ramen clumps together -_- Sakae's ramen is soggy as well. Tanpopo is still the best (Even better than those in Japan, says mum) There were 4 Japanese sitting on my left and 2 were like shaking their heads away, giving the look that the noodles weren't fantastic. Yea, I mean, even locals think it ain't fantastic than I don't see why the Japanese would like it. Haha, I feel so evil.. We bought some cute cute stuff :D Hiak, I've a new green coaster. It's so cute! There's a turtle~ Turtle with a heart on it's shell. Cute, hiakzx. We then went to Peninsula Plaza.. I tell you ah, that place, in less than 500m, you'll see to S.E.X shops. OMG! I SAW DILDOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -_- Ok. So hmm, Bro bought a Alesana shirt and some The Devil Wears Prada shirt (Which was nice :D) and he bought straight-cut jeans. I bought a pair of black skinnies, which was rather cheap, the guy sold to us like almost 10 bucks cheaper.. (Laugh my balls out).. We then trained to Raffles Place and went to uh, Golden Shoe Carpark? We went to Fjord, this jewellery shop which sells stainless steel accessories. My mum spent like 1 hour plus deciding whether to buy this black ring with zircons, or this super sparkly ring or this steel plus 18k gold plated necklace. I tell you, the gold plated necklace is nice ok! It's not one whole slab of gold piak there, but it gives a very crumpled Ferroro Rocher wrapper effect, with steel around it. It was really nice. I mean, maybe me saying Ferroro Rocher, would sound like so low-class and stuff but it's true. That's the first impression it gave me -_- And Ferroro Rocher wrapper is nice! :D Haha. So yea, Mum and Bro had rings and this lady was like asking,"One for you, one for your son, none for your daughter?" So hahaha, this is the part where everyone shall kill me -_- Mum bought a choker and a pendant with coloured crystals in it for me... It was really sweet. I mean that's the first thing that I laid my eyes on when I went into the shop. The price was hmmm. The sales assistants could only say, I've got good taste. (Like of course :D BHB :D) Hahaha. We went to Uncle Jimmy's shop, which was very near Raffles Place MRT.. And yea, we bought stuff! Mostly bro's stuff though, I mean, I don't need any facial products or perfume or some eau de toilette thingum.. All I bought was something for my hair :) We had coffee and tea at Coffee & Toast, I think. Omg. Mum ordered Espresso double for bro and us (To share) and tea for herself and you know that Espresso was !@#$%^ !?!?!. It's 2.80, for this super puny cup, you can finish everything in it, in just ONE small gulp. It's not even a big gulp but of course. It's not an easy feat to finish it in ONE SMALL GULP because you need many sips because it was so ohmygawd bitter. Yes, we added like 2+ packets of sugar, into that puny cup (Dies from diabetes) and we added water like mad. And worse still, I thought mum's tea would be ok, but it was not very nice. Rather smelly. Ok, so we went home.. GOONG S IS JUST SO SWEET LAH, ZOMG. I LOVE THE ENDING!!! WHEN 永诚公 (LEE HOO) PUSHED 杨顺依 (YANG SOON AE) ON THE BED!! ZOMGGG! AND IT WAS 韩上贡 WHO TAUGHT HIM THAT!! AND THE TEDDY BEARS ALL COVERED THEIR EYES!! SO CUTE PLEASEEEEEE!! Oh yea, I took this screenshots from long time ago and found them rather amusing. A SCREENSHOT OF 文诚公 (LEE JOON) KISSING 杨顺依 (His head is almost twice the size of her head) A SCREENSHOT OF 永诚公 KISSING 杨顺依 (Just nice. How sweet :D) Click on it to enlarge. Conclusion? Kang Doo's head is really huge. 申世玲 (Shin Sae Ryung) is really pretty but I prefer her in Stairway To Heaven. Much sweeter, though prettier in Goong S :) Don't go and look at her on Drama Wiki, she looks fat. YOU WANT REVIEW OF GOONG S!?!?!?! ARE YOU KIDDING!?!?! BUT THE SHOW WAS AIRED ON TV!?! Ok, ignore me. I'm just, uh, being, stupid :) :(
Omg, I'm starting to worry about myself. Yes, in every sense. :S My knees seem cranky, and I can imagine me going to the doctor and the doctor tells me to stop all vigorous activities lest I go crippled. HELLO!? Can my family just bring my to some doctor and have my knees checked?? I can't walk properly one they start hurting, much less, to even run :( I seriously need a checkup someday! I neeeeeeeed it and I know there's some problem in me because my knees have been hurting since forever =(Oh yea, VIEWTY IS NICE. -glares at you!!! OMGOMGOMG! It's b-e-a-utiful. But still, I guess I'll go from Sony Ericsson W910I (Though the silver lining might peel off -_-) Oh yea, Kyle Patrick ain't very cute to me anymoreeeeeee =( ![]() You know how cute he looks here (The middle guy) and then in the December issue of Teenage 2007, he looks so wrong when The Click Five are like making Tagger bags. I mean, yes, he just looks so uncute. Ugh. And yea, I heard Coach telling Ling Han that he (LH, uh, this girl from ZHSS calls him Miloman) and this random guy should be in the SEA Games (I think, if I'm not wrong, it's so wrong to eavesdrop -_-) In case if you don't know what I mean -_-, I'm talking about the gymnasts and stuff. Probably the other random guy that teacher was talking about was Wah Kiat (O_^) Ok la, show you pictures if I can find.... OK! THIS PICTURE IS "STOLEN" FROM WAHTOON'S PROFILE -_- SO UH. DON'T COME SUE ME OR ANYTHING O_O (Hopefully he doesn't come here by chance or anything :S) ![]() Ok, so if you see, the second row are the coaches I think -_- (I know the middle one is the coach, the other 2 not sure) And for the first row, (from left to right), the first and third guy are the twins (So either of them is Wah Toon or Wah Kiat) and the one all the way at the right is Miloman. Ok lah. I had this question bugging me. I thought Miloman was originally training with the fellow Team Singapore gymnasts then recently, he was training under Coach.. Weird. Ok nvm. I WANT MY KNEES TO BE FINE AGAIN!!!!! =( Five Minutes to Midnight.
Ohmywhollywammygosh. I'm still, not done with holiday homework :O I'm so dead. Yes, I'm still stuck on stupid ah ma book (I'M NOT EVEN HALFWAY THROUGH!!!!!) Oh yes. I will seriously and must seriously gear up for next year! Gogo!! Dang, I think it's seriously true that a woman can never have too many shoes (or bags). Totally true. I'm seriously going to find another pair of uh, sneakers? Whatever you call it, I don't want uh, anymore flats -_- I don't mind boots :D I WANT MORE SNEAKERS!! =(Oh yea, I still think OG is called Old Girl :S And BHG is called Boys Hate Girls. (And so there's a band called Boys Like Girls, F'TAAANG) Ok, I don't know what to post. MY STUPID LAPTOP KEEPS SHUTTING DOWN ON ME! -SLAPS LAPTOP. D:
Ok, while buffering the second last part of the last episode of Goong S, I shall blog, since it's buffering super slowly and before that it had some buffering problems :(Man, I don't know what got into my mum's head today. She actually locked up the modemn in her whatever that is before she went out to Takashimaya (Again) today. She and aunt actually went back to the same Japanese Grill Shop to try another dish. I bet they went to that shop like countless of times luhs! I'm so sure that young chap at the counter remembers them. He probably will even dream of them when he's sleeping at night. -_- Omgosh, my computer's lagging balls. Oh, I actually did something dumb just now. Actually it's not my fault :( I was just playing with bro's tigger and then my nail scraped past my fourth finger and then it um, scratched off some skin/dead cells/flesh or whatever you call it and I started bleeding T-T. AND TO THINK THAT MY NAILS ARE CUT UNTIL SUPER SHORT BECAUSE I HAVE PIANO LESSONS!! Tsk. Sigh, c'mon, hurry up my stupid computer. Buffer the showwwwwwwwwww~!! Was going through all my dvds in my music albums today when I chanced upon this 5566 MV, really sweet though the song isn't very catchy or anything. (I've got like say, 54 cds, and 1 uhm, Stephanie Sun picture cd, maybe you have more :D) 守候 - 5566 满天星星 你的眼睛 像旧电影反覆剪辑我们的回忆 是那颗星 我非常确定 会永远闪烁在我心里 雨后的夜里 夜空变得好美好干净 眼前的你忽然的沉静 风吹过发际无声轮廓有一双眼睛 纯洁而透明我最爱的你刹那变记忆 温度冷冷地最怕自己一个人呼吸 穿得再厚也变得多余 身边少了你说话只剩空荡的回音 好想抱紧你我最爱的你如今在里 幸福时候 别来找我 带着你的快乐和他膥续往前走 不属于我 我不会难过 我知道有一样的天空 幸福走后 请记得我 我会紧握拳头把那伤心都赶走 你要记得 至少还有我 一直在为你默默守候 :) :/
It's such a non-productive day. We left home at like 10+ and trained to Orchard?? And only reached home at 5+. One day is gone, just like that. Wasted. Maybe no one will read this but it's ok, I'll read it myself.Man. I don't see why women need so many bags and clothes. Yes, my mum has this obsession for clothes?? Mai Jong and us (Mum, Bro and I) reached Takashimaya super early, before meeting up with the rest and we uh, went to Suzuya. Oh my gosh, they bought like 7 pieces in total and I reckon these 7 pieces cost at least 300 or more. Probably even more than $400. Yes, crazy. And yea, met up with 4 other cousins. 3 guys 1 girl. We had lunch at this Japanese Grill Shop, you know those bar counters, at B2, it's opposite Royce Chocolate stall. I had this sotong set, very yummy, and very filling. Went with Loy Xuan jiejie to see some cutlery, she needs them for some food thingy that she's supposed to do and apparently, the cutleries are so expensive. One plate was like $80+. Hmm, the women apparently went to the bag session, near Jimmy Choo. (To think Mum just bought a bag like less than a week ago and she's looking at bags again) Qingyuan bought W910I!!!! Blackblackblack. Yes, Huilin got the black one too. Zomg, am I going for the black one as well? The packaging is, uhm, really cute :) Went to Wisma Atria with cousins while the older ladies did their own shopping. We went to uh, Projectshop. Their bags are nice, yes, there's this nice leather bag. But of course, I'm in no need for bag so yea, just looked around. Hmmm.. then bro and Qingyou went off on their own, went to Toa Payoh arcade and back home. Qingyuan and Loy Han went to Far East to look at bags but apparently, it's rainy today. So I went to Mos Burger with Loy Xuan to sit down, talk and drink abit. It's nice talking to her :) Yea, she's a good listening ear. She's super good at art and craft, drawing and stuff. She says she'll help me redo my Swarovski angel.. :) Making the thread stronger and the angel's body longer.. Qingyuan and Han found us at Mos and we then went to Paragon to find aunt and Mum.. Went to Hollywood Secrets, since Xuan was looking for eyebrow pencil sharpener. That place does French manicure and pedicure, does hair and stuff, whatever eyebrow uh, tattooing? Yea, don't know.. I bet I put on a lot of weight today, we even had teabreak at this Ah Mei's Kaya Toast or something. I feel that it's like the copied version of Ya Kun Kaya Toast? Their tea is not nice. It tastes like water added with milk, with a bland tea taste. Ok, at the rate of shopping that Mum, Aunt and I do, I'm seriously starting to hate shopping (Probably not). Maximum.
Ohmyholyshiat. I totally suck at blogskinning, totally lost that passion, liking, whatever nots and blas. Yes, I totally lost that momentum, to make skins that people can use.. Maybe not as good as Wang Guan, Magnette, Heroine (Mothersound) or yea, whoever you can think of but ok, I've totally lost it. My marbles are missing.Yes, my feet looks more gross than ever now, that I continued peeling and pulling skin continuously off the wound. It's making my feet hurt while running. Oh yes, I must start sleeping early.. For holy heavens, school's starting in less than a month. And I've not even completed half of my holiday homework, not even a quarter I guess. I'm not halfway through the stupid super grandma book, not found an article for Chinese newspaper report, not done my Commonwealth essay, Maths is still half done. Looks like, I'm gonna be a total flop next year as well. You left me in cuts and bruises. ZOMGZXZXZX, I love emoing to the maximum Let's talk about promises? NO PROMISES by Shayne Ward Hey baby, when we are together, doing things that we love. Appeal results
Zomgzomgzomg!! The appeal results are out! I must say DHS is highly efficient. They promised that the appeal results would be out on 23 November but it was only out yesterday (Which apparently I didn't check because I went to bed at 10pm).So the final class which I'll be in is . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3F Gah... And there will be 4 more people coming into 3F and 1 left (I THINK), so there'll be around 30 people? 1 of them would be Deborah and 3 other PRC scholars... -_- Sigh. Man, seriously, I don't know how a class would be like with PRC scholars leh.. Those cheena people.. :/ Man. I knew it! I knew appeal would be unsuccessful, since I'm such a lousy student. :( WORK HARDER NEXT YEAR LAH STUPID HUIEN. Shoppingggggg!
Zomg, Aunt and Momo are totally mad shopaholics. Seriously, it's tiring shopping with them -_-We went to OG (I call it Old Girl), there's this 20% sales thingy and yea, seriously nothing much to buy!! The shoes ain't as nice as the grey heels I saw at Metro. Though I've no interest in heels (Since I'm talllll :D) but that pair of heels was seriously love. We shopped from like 11+ all the way to 4+? From OG to Parco?? Ahh. Denise said she'd invest in an Adidas sweater. And I made my investment in an Everlast sweater. Man, those Everlast shoes are hot but Levi's are hotter!! (Seriously, I swear I would have gotten that Levi's $99 sweater if not for the fact the last piece was only S) The Everlast sweater that I bought, I had to buy XL and still, it was quite short but the sleeves are like super baggy. But it's super sweet and cute ^^V It cost like $89.90 (Before discount?) Seriously, as kids grow older, they go for expensive stuff -_-" Waste of money, everytime I go shopping with Momo and Aunt, my stuff is like the most expensive... O_O (BUT IT'S NICEEEEEE OK!?!?!?!?!) Man, went to Parco for lunch at Terra Cafe. Apparently, the food there is rather cheap. (But Mummy thinks the service ain't really good, because the waiters are mostly students?? That seriously explains the attitude) But it's still cheap, one set meal + soup of the day + 1 scoop of ice cream = $12?? Yea, because the 3 of us spent like $36 on food in total? So it's rather cheap.. Ok! I shall never order baked rice again. I was good enough to finish half the plate of baked rice.. Man, Mum's and Aunt's linguine was so much better -_- I shall abstain from cheese for the next 1 million months.... Bahahaha, Bro and I are going to watch The Golden Compass on 26th December till the show ends (Because Aunt got the ticket from the Bugis instant dip).. The show starts on 6 December leh! Then 26 is like coming to the end???? LOL -_- Dumbdumbdumb!!!! Mum bought this Kipling bag.. Man, seriously I think I have super good taste loh! Whatever I choose, Mum would somehow like it just that we have colour differences. My choice would be a younger colour but for her is something more mature.. I HAVE GOOOOOOD TASTE OK! (Maybe just above average :D) Ok, shooot. Where'd You Go... I miss you sooooooooo~ :( |