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Hello, I'm Huien. Member of It's F, Bitch, with the title of Lucky Cute Bitch. |
Layout: Lipstick Lullabies XIII. comments
4Flipflop EDS Angela Apollonia Bryan Deborah Hitoshi Jasmine RuiXin Serena SuMei Yeling YokeMing archives
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When I asked you,"Believe me", you never let go, but I let go.
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Absolutely love Robert! When Did You Heart Go Missing? - Rooney Love don't come so easily This doesn't have to end in tragedy I have you and you have me We're one in a million Why can't you see? I'm waiting, waiting for nothing You're leaving, leaving me hanging When did your heart go missing? When did your heart go missing? I treat you like a princess But your life is just one big mess When did your heart go missing? When did your heart go missing, yeah? I meant every word I said I never was lying when we talked in bed I'm retracing every step in my head What did I miss back then? I was so, so misled I'm waiting, waiting for nothing You're leaving, leaving me hanging When did your heart go missing? When did your heart go missing? I treat you like a princess But your life is just one big mess When did your heart go missing? When did your heart go missing? I don't understand How could you forget what we had, It's so wrong I'm waiting, waiting for nothing You're leaving, leaving me hanging When did your heart go missing? When did your heart go missing? I treat you like a princess But your life is just one big mess When did your heart go missing? When did your heart go missing? Yeah! Things were so good We had a little dream A little dream together Buy a house, settle down, do our thing But you disappeared on me And your heart, your heart went missin' I don't know how to find it I don't know where it is I don't know where your heart went It was here just the other day Now it's gone I'm gonna call the police Call the investigator, the heart investigator Seriously, you've got to love Miss Tan (Yes Jen Fee!!! I'm not joking!) She's so cute ok! A few days ago... Miss Tan Junjie. You won't be going to 4A next year! She's so frigging cute! She just randomly commented that the heat pack was no longer warm and Janson was like,"Cos you're too hot Miss Tan! Then the pack doesn't feel hot!" And her reaction was so cuteeeeeee :D Hehehe, you should've totally seen the expression on her face! Do do do watch the 'When Did Your Heart Go Missing?' MV on the right! Nearing the end, they showed the side profile of Robert and it just totally made my heart melt! It's so Michael!!!! Hehehehe, can someone tell me where I can get this super cute Bento box!? http://www.flickr.com/photos/lunchinabox/2885831330/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/lunchinabox/2885831332/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/lunchinabox/2886022101/ Am so gonna get DDay II!! Hahaha, thank god I didn't buy the first one. Don't know why do stars always wanna make so many changes to their albums then keep releasing so many versions of one album -_- We're running out of time.
Thought I should just give a random update on what I'm doing. To the previous post (Super emotional. Hate emo.), don't worry, to those who even bother to worry, I'M SUPER STRONG! Woohoo! Just needed to vomit everything out.I'm not blogging because my hands are starting to itch and I can't control but rather I should give like some sort of an update, to tell those who even read this blog that I'm still alive and kicking. No, I'm not dead yet. I didn't jump from 26 floors down. In fact, I've found something in life, which gives me motivation and drive, and makes me look forward to every single day! I seriously don't want my blog to end up like some place that people go everyday, with the hope of seeing a new entry and end up looking at the same old entry that they've probably read again and again. I don't want my blog to end up like Isaac's one now! For goodness sake, he has not updated since 7 August! That's like more than a month ago. Hahaha. I feel the whole homework particles vibrating in me. Be it vibrating in their own positions or colliding with other particles, whatever. Yea but I actually survived through one week of "mugging" after school with clan (NOPE, WE'RE NOT A CLIQUE!). Well, maybe I didn't mug (I was like writing down notes and stuff) but I fully utilised my time and I felt so proud of myself! I'm a certified big nerd now! 8-)! Maybe it's just something that gives me the motivation to work and press on. I don't know. Yah, SOMETHING. Obviously clan should have an idea what it is. We saw __ like almost everyday! HAHAHA. And RX just keeps laughing. How hilarious. There's a cute baby living 2 FLOORS DOWN! Yea, frigging cute. He/She keeps staring at me and smile smile smile! HAHAHA! I LOVE BABIES! (BUT NOT KIDS. YUCK!) Many good stuff have been happening recently. Sitting with Terence isn't that bad after all. It's very good actually. I think it was a good choice that I was randomly placed at the back and not based on Mr Yap's arrangement to sit beside Justin in the second front row. Terence is such a good partner! He's so smart, helpful! Y'know, he practically, taught me the whole of Modulus and when I didn't understand, he explained everything to me again. And he keeps telling me,"You can do it! Sure will pass one! Good luck!" and stuff. It's just so motivating, to have a great partner plus friend. Though I haven't actually fully utilised my weekend this week, I'm sure I'll do better next week, which is in less than 2 hours. I don't just want to pass, I want to do well. Like, see some improvement in my weak subjects (Though I've kind of like given up on Physics -_- Revision was totally shitty and bloody useless.) I just can't wait for exams to end (Though it hasn't start yet!) I think no matter how everything turns out, I'll probably be happy with myself because I know that I've tried. This is the first time I've done such a crazy thing, to actually start revision more than 2 weeks for the big exam and stay back into school till around 5 (almost) everyday. But for the moment, I should stop my crazy obsession. It's driving me crazy and hyper. And everything I expect for something, I just end up being disappointed. I should know better that life just doesn't have that many coincidences. Ahhh. Hope for the best then! To all the muggers, nerds and beloved geeks in the world, do your best in everything. Cos I love y'all! I'm absolutely in love with geeks. I think I've found one :D P.S. I want Princess Diaries Book 9 badly. So gonna get it!!! We lost ourselves in the bright lights.
![]() A Lesson In Romantics Jamie All Over - Mayday Parade I had a dream last night we Drove out to see Las Vegas We lost ourselves in the bright lights I wish you could have seen us Begging for change to get home Or at least San Francisco Let's put a ten on the high card And spend a summer on the west coast Down and to the left (Here's a map and the pen, the place you pointed at) Be California's best (All I ask, all I ask) And please don't tell me that I'm dreaming When all I ever wanted was to dream another sunset with you If I roll over when it's over I'll take this Cali sunrise with me And wake up with the fondest memories We made love by the ocean As the waves crashed around you Sunsets never were so bright And the skies never so blue You opened up into my arms And we laughed as I held you I'll never go back to Georgia Not at least till I have to Down and to the left (Here's a map and the pen, the place you pointed at) Be California's best (All I ask, all I ask) And please don't tell me that I'm dreaming When all I ever wanted was to dream another sunset with you If I roll over when it's over I'll take this Cali sunrise with me And wake up with the fondest memories Memories I had a dream last night we Drove out to see Las Vegas We lost ourselves in the bright lights Please don't tell me that I'm dreaming When all I ever wanted was to dream another sunset with you If I roll over when it's over I'll take this Cali sunrise with me And wake up with the fondest memories We made love by the ocean As the waves crashed around you Sunsets never were so bright And the skies never so blue You opened up into my arms And we laughed as I held you I'll never go back to Georgia Not at least till I have to Down and to the left Nope, I'm not blogging. It's time to be a big girl now, and big girls don't cry.
I thought that maybe I should send a copy of this post to your email but then I thought again, if you really want to know what's on this blog so much, maybe you should use your own means and find whatever I'm writing out.This might be my last post before I go on a hiatus (Hopefully) or it might just be my last post (I doubt). I guess I love writing about my thoughts so this blog would just be the main reasons to allow me to continue writing. I really do dread home now, after the whole incident in the car. Like yea, during Aspen today, I was like well, I did cry (A little) but of course my huge hair covered my face and yea, I told myself to be strong. Maybe I'm risking my laptop after I write this, but y'know what, I think I really need to type out, what I'm feeling right now before I lose the chance to. Whatever that's happening recently has led me to having really bad headaches. While walking home from the bus stop just now, I was dragging my feet, walking slowly, just so to spend more time outside rather than be at home. Maybe this place, is no longer where I can feel protected and happy. It's just a shelter now, perhaps? So I got into my room, locked the door, and just curled on the bed and kept crying. Susi knocked on the door twice, because she wanted to mop the floor and I just ignored it. I really don't know what's happening to me but I just kept having suicidal thoughts in my mind. Well, but I won't give up so easily. Suicidal is just a cowardly way of running away from problems. Maybe I've tried hard, but not hard enough. I really don't know what you want anymore. Perhaps you're driving me mad. If you really do, I'll make sure you'll become mad as well. I really don't mind if someone just brought me to see a counselor or whatever you call, psychiatrist? Well, at least they'd bother to even listen to me. Listen to what I feel, think. Not just hear but listen. Maybe they're only doing so because they're paid but at least they're listening. Have you ever know what's going through my mind whenever you just say stuff that put me down? Have you ever really wanted to know what the hell I was even thinking? Have you ever give words of encouragement and not just keep berating me, and cheer me on, so that I would at least have a little more motivation to work harder? Look, I'm not putting this whole blame on you. But no matter how hard I work and how hard I try, it's just not enough. Because when you're work hard, you ain't exactly working smart. Just because I've got no strengths at all, you feel that you should just scold the shit out of me, in the hope of trying to make me 'wake up' and work harder? If you really think that by saying such stuff can make me work harder or spur me to do better, I'm sorry, but it only goes to show that you've never really understood me or maybe, you've never really bothered to do so? Maybe whatever I've said is upsetting but d'you know the accumulated amount of hurt and pain inflicted on me, is already at a point whereby everything's too much for me to handle and bear? And you always had to tell people that I'm always saying bad stuff about you. Have you ever really wondered, by saying all that, you ain't exactly nice to me at all? And if I don't say all these out, I might just go crazy. Or maybe, I already am. Huien of the past has kind of like disappeared. The retarded bubbly person I used to be, has slowly disappeared and I really don't know who am I now. Maybe, my true self as died. I think I better blog about some happy stuff because I really don't know when I'll be able to blog about it. Yea, I'm Mrs Moscovitz. From the book though. The (first) movie version is really cute and geeky but the book version, just seems really sweet, kinda romantic and the way he kisses is just 'wow'. Well, at least fictional characters don't really go around hugging, leaning and having their lips on people in pubs. ![]() ![]() ![]() Lily & Michael. ![]() Mia & Michael. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I'm having a splitting headache, so I shall be off. No one can make you feel inferior without your consent. I think I need some time by myself, without anybody else.
I think I need some time by myselfWithout anybody else I just need to unwind In my time machine I need to go far away A few years back would be ok I just need to unwind In my time machine By myself I don't need anybody else I just need to unwind In my time machine Sometimes, no matter how hard you work or how hard you try, other people don't really see the effort you put into doing something. What everyone sees, is only the result and whatever came out from it. So even if you put in your utmost effort, if the end result is bad, they just label you as, bad, haven't been working enough and so on. They don't really care what kind of methods you used, well, so as long as you produce good results, people think,"Oh, you're really great. You must have worked so hard." but for all you know, you might have just used despicable acts to achieve such greatness. I really do hate this competitive and contradictive society. It's so competitive that, even without foreign talents, it's really hard to breathe. And they tell you to take things a little easier, but not too much, for fear that you might lose to other people. Why can't a society function in a way that people will notice a person's strengths rather than just based on a degree? So what if you're the smartest person in the world, if your EQ is low, you're nothing too. The feeling of failing all the time isn't nice. And you think I love to fail? It's not that I don't pay attention in class. Well, I can be really attentive (Except for certain subjects). I pay attention during maths, I copy all the notes, I attempt the questions in the worksheets given, but why is it that I can't just do anything that's mathematical right? I really don't know how it's like, to be someone smart anymore? I don't even know how I got into 6A in the first place? How can anyone drop to such a low standard? I don't know too. I hate the feeling of failing and so on but do I have a choice? Now, I really don't know what I want in life. Like, is there really something out there that I can really do? It's definitely not academics, neither music nor arts. I really feel like, someone who's basically kinda useless? Like, I'm not cut out for studying, my music is nowhere and my drawing just sucks too. I don't seem to have a strength. On the way home just now, I was like walking, and I just felt as if going home was such a dread. I felt like I was taking a lift, to the top floor, to commit suicide. Just that I was going home and we live on the top floor. I totally felt as if, I could just be a real coward, and decide to do something so silly since it's really easy to die at home. Going home is just like suicidal at times. I really needed some time alone so I spent like probably half an hour in the toilet, just stoning in it. I haven't really been working smart, have I? I can't do things using shortcut methods and so on. The value in me, is really low, it totally like hit the ocean's bottom. I don't really know what will go on later. And they tell me... to breathe easy for a while. The breathing gets harder... even I know that. Today is a winding road that's taking me to places that I didn't want to go.
Ah. I'm starting to feel, desperate. Well, yea, for cute guys. Sounds, not me. Oh well. Yea. Ok, yes, I just said that.I went with Bro to Raffles City to meet up with Aunt to try out mooncakes at this whatever you call thing. And then as I was going up the escalator, there was this shop in between 2 escalators, I looked in from the top while I was on it and I just swooned. I saw this really cute Caucasian guy, who was in school uniform, and he was sitting inside the shop with this lady (Probably tanning the shop) and he was listening to music while doing homework. And I just went like,"Omg. He's so cute." And yea, of course Bro either ignored me or didn't hear (As usual) Yea omg. His brown shaggy hair and then he looked cute (From the top). Ahhhh. What the hell. (See, I'm seriously demented.) Seriously, dating a Caucasian is exponentially way cooler than dating Asians. That's what I feel, though I've never tried before. Oh my, that guy was a total heartthrob ok. Yea, well, after I went back there again, he was gone :( But his bag pack was still in the shop! I guess he and the lady just went for some break or something, and the shop was like closed :( So Aunt, Bro and I like started walking around, trying mooncakes and for once, I felt like, some professional food taster. Sounds stupid. Yea but super cool! I felt like my tastebuds were so sensitive but of course, not comparable to that of Bro's. But I actually like tasted some mooncakes and made like constructive comments about them. Like some mooncakes were too dry or too sweet or some just totally sucked. Like there was this one, I ate and I was like,"What flavour is this?" and the guy said,"Mango plus white lotus." and I was totally like,"Huh. You sure this is mango? I thought the yellow thing was egg yolk." There wasn't like any mango taste at all -_- And yada yada. So we settled for Goodwood Park's Mango with Pomelo snowskin and Fairmont (Swissotel)'s champagne snowskin. Ahhh, nice. The mango from Goodwood Park is awesome ok! Like real fruit in it and they use something like mango mousse? Yea must try! Hehehe. I think Aunt's so cool. I asked,"Did you dye your hair?" and well, she highlighted her hair. So I continued,"Why don't you dye it like, pink?" and she was like,"No, I want purple hair." Hahahaha, so cool ok! Purple hair is pretty shiz. Especially like purple with white. But yea, I don't mind pink hair too! I'm a happy girl! I've got so many questions to ask. And I don't know if I should be doubtful about the whole MAA's thingy and how stars behave. I'm really really disappointed ok! :( Ben just broke my heart. Well, I mean, of course, if he did that to me, I won't make so much noise but still, yea, that's not proper behaviour. Y'know, sometimes I really don't know whether it's wrong to like a Caucasian because there would definitely be some differences in our thinkings and stuff. This morning, Mum just totally went like,"Dad thinks O Levels is better." And y'know I totally went like :O I don't wanna get stuck in IP! But they made me come to DHS because they thought maybe it'd be easier for me to survive and it's so not bloody easy ok. I FRIGGING HATE THIS WHOLE PROGRAMME! IT'S MAKING ME GO CRAZY AND I THINK IT'S SO BLOODY TORTUROUS. People do make wrong decisions. And to think they forced me to accept the fact that my appeal to DHS was successful and I should jolly well go to DHS, since it's supposedly better than AHS. Well, of course, if I didn't go there, I wouldn't have like met so many cool people, and wouldn't be who I am today. I kind of like who I am now, but I hate the situation I'm in. Like totally. Actually, I'm starting to realise that I enjoy being in DHS is because of my friends? If not other than that, life would be kinda sucky. Then they started talking about going overseas to study, and I was like,"Huh?" Well, since we've got an apartment near University of Melbourne, they started talking about going there to study. And I was double 'huh'. So weird. Well, I don't mind going overseas to study (Got motive. Hahahaha. Though the obesity rate at Australia is the highest now) But if I can study in Singapore, why not? And NUS have got a gymnasium, swimming pool and so on. So means, can work out! Woohoo. Ok, hahaha, I'm going nuts. There's a big hornet in my house now -_- Sometimes, I really don't know why my maid is so weird. The hornet was in the kitchen and Bro was telling her to switch off the light, get out of the kitchen and close the door and she was inside the kitchen smacking her newspaper away -_- And my bro was like,"HEY IT'S POISONOUS!!!!" and we were like shrieking away, asking her to get out of the kitchen. LOL. Last time there was bird in our house, like early in the morning, while I was having my breakfast and she was like chasing after the bird (-_-) and my mum was like,"Open the window widely! You think you can catch the bird with your hand?" Hahaha, yea, sometimes they really don't think when they are doing certain stuff then everything gets hilarious and so on. You're a part-time lover and a full-time friend.
I rushed through the whole 'Juno' film yesterday, as Mum would be returning it early this morning to aunt. And it was so cool. Like I can't believe I fell asleep while watching it at Grandma's house yesterday? Well, it's really good. Just that there are just some unbelievable stuff. Not totally, I guess.![]() ![]() At the Ultrasound Check. ![]() Leah was really pretty in this scene! ![]() That Mark guy looks familiar. (Jason Bateman?) ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Hamburger phone. ![]() Juno and Paulie. There was a really heart-breaking part and I couldn't help but cry when the stupid guy, Paulie Bleeker (Awful name, and it just reminds me of that Paulie guy who 'auditioned' for the Click Five lead singer during Behind The Band Webisode Part 2.) was being a total jerk. I've got so many questions to ask whoever did the film. Like, was Ellen Page (Juno) really pregnant at that point of time? If not why during the ultrasound scan, her tummy looked like a real pregnant woman's? It doesn't look like a cushion in any way but I highly doubt the pregnancy is real. That'd be so weird. And why's Michael Cera (Paulie Bleeker) called Superbad guy? He looks like a typical, well yea, geek? And he's not even like handsome. Well, fat face thin legs. Quite ok actually but he only gets cute when he's like nice to Juno? He looked weird during the sex part, and he was gaping away like a goldfish. -_- (Even though it was only one second) I think Juno is so cool. She's like cute and the coolest girl ever. Straightforward, rather mean, well yea, really cool. You guys should really watch it. Since it's quite educational. Though the story was kinda sweet, but it's almost impossible. Like seriously, at like the age of 16, when a guy discovers that the girl he has sex with is pregnant. And she's his bestfriend, not his girlfriend. Most guys would freak out and like probably start ignoring the girl and let her to fend for her own. But the baby, made Juno and Paulie get closer and finally, became a couple. Awwww, how sweet huh? How many guys would do this man. And the show has got really cool quotes, but you've got to watch it, and like it, and that's what make those quotes really cool. The part whereby I cried like mad, Paulie was a total mean jerk. Totally wanna slap his balls. Juno MacGuff: Are you honestly and truly going to prom with Katrina Devore? Some of the other really cool quotes Ultrasound Technician: Well, there you have it. Would you like to know the sex? Leah: Yes! Juno MacGuff: No! Leah: Pleease, Juno, please! Juno MacGuff: No, there will be no sex! Ultrasound Technician: Planning to be suprised when you deliver? Juno MacGuff: Well, no, but I want Mark and Vanessa to be suprised and if you tell me I'll just, like, ruin everything. Ultrasound Technician: Are Mark and Vanessa your friends at school? Juno MacGuff: No, no, no. They're the adoptive parents. Ultrasound Technician: Oh, well thank goodness for that! Bren: What's that supposed to mean? Ultrasound Technician: I just see a lot of teenage mothers come through here and it's obviously a poisonous environment to raise a baby in. Juno MacGuff: How do you know I'm so poisonous? What if these adoptive parents turn out to be, like, evil molesters? Leah: Or, like, stage parents. Bren: They could be utterly negligent. Maybe they'll do a far shittier job of raising a kid than my dumbass step-daughter would. Have you considered that? Ultrasound Technician: I guess not. Bren: What is your job title exactly? Ultrasound Technician: I'm an ultrasound technician, ma'am. Bren: Well, I'm a nail technician and I think we both ought to just stick to what we know. Ultrasound Technician: Excuse me? Bren: Oh, you think you're so special because you get to play Picture Pages up there? Well, my five year old daughter could do that and let me tell you, she's not the brightest bulb in the tanning bed. So why don't you go back to night school in Mantino and learn a real trade. Juno MacGuff: Bren! Use a dick! I love it! Mac MacGuff: [a very pregnant Juno enters the room] Hey there, big puffy version of Junebug! One of my favourite! Juno MacGuff: You should've gone to China, you know, 'cause I hear they give away babies like free iPods. You know, they pretty much just put them in those t-shirt guns and shoot them out at sporting events. And this is really sweet? Juno MacGuff: I think I'm in love with you. Paulie Bleeker: You mean as friends? Juno MacGuff: No... I mean for real. 'Cause you're, like, the coolest person I've ever met, and you don't even have to try, you know... Paulie Bleeker: I try really hard, actually. Rollo: You better pay for that pee-stick when you're done with it. Don't think it's yours just because you marked it with your urine! Juno MacGuff: What about Katrina Devore? You could totally go out with Katrina Devore. Paulie Bleeker: No, I don't like Katrina. She smells like soup. Have you ever smelled her? I mean, her whole house smells like soup! Total cheesy-ness. Juno MacGuff: As far as boyfriends go, Paulie Bleeker is totally boss. He is the cheese to my macaroni. And, I know that people are supposed to fall in love before they reproduce, but... I guess normalcy isn't really our style. Bren: Doctors are sadists who like to play God and watch lesser people scream. Vijay: I'm gonna stop wearing underwear. Raise my sperm count. Rollo: Well, well... If it isn't MacGuff the crime dog! Back for another test? Juno MacGuff: I think the last one was defective. The plus sign looked more like a division sign so I remain unconvinced. [Rollo pulls the bathroom key out of reach] Rollo: Third test today, Mama Bear. Your eggo is preggo, no doubt about it. Tough Girl: [to Juno] It's really easy to tell. Is your nipples real brown? Rollo: Yeah. Maybe your little boyfriend's got mutant sperms. Knocked ya up twice. Juno MacGuff: Silencio old man! Look, I just drank my weight in Sunny-D and I gotta go pronto! Rollo: Well, you know where the lavatory is. [Juno heads towards the bathroom] Mac MacGuff: Liberty Bell, if you put one more Baco on that potato, I'm gonna kick your little monkey butt. Juno MacGuff: ...and the receptianist tried to get me to take these condoms that looked like grape suckers and was just babbling away about her freaking boyfiends pie balls! Oh an Su-Chin was there and she was like, "Hi babies have fingernails." Fingernails! Leah: Oh, gruesome. I wonder if the baby's claws could scratch your vag on the way out? Leah: All right, how about this one? 'Healthy, educated couple seeking infant to join our family of five. You will be compensated. Help us complete the circle of love.' Juno MacGuff: Yeesh, they sound like a cult, is what the sound like! And besides they already have three kids. They're just like greedy little bitches! Juno MacGuff: I'm losing my faith in humanity. Mac MacGuff: Think you can narrow it down for me? Juno MacGuff: I guess I wonder sometimes if people ever stay together for good. Mac MacGuff: You mean like couples? Juno MacGuff: Yeah, like people in love. Mac MacGuff: Are you having boy troubles? I gotta be honest; I don't much approve of dating in your condition, 'cause well... that's kind of messed up. Juno MacGuff: Dad, no! Mac MacGuff: Well, it's kind of skanky. Isn't that what you girls call it? Skanky? Skeevy? Juno MacGuff: Please stop now. Mac MacGuff: [persisting] Tore up from the floor up? Juno MacGuff: Dad, it's not about that. I just need to know if it's possible for two people to stay happy together forever, or at least for a few years. Mac MacGuff: It's not easy, that's for sure. Now, I may not have the best track record in the world, but I have been with your stepmother for 10 years now and I'm proud to say that we're very happy. [Juno nods] Mac MacGuff: In my opinion, the best thing you can do is find a person who loves you for exactly what you are. Good mood, bad mood, ugly, pretty, handsome, what have you, the right person will still think the sun shines out your ass. That's the kind of person that's worth sticking with. Juno MacGuff: I sort of already have. Mac MacGuff: Well, of course! You're old D-A-D! You know I'll always be there to love and support you no matter what kind of pickle you're in... Obviously [nods to her belly] Juno MacGuff: I need to go out somewhere just for a little while. I don't have any homework and I swear I'll be back by ten. Mac MacGuff: You were talking about me right? Juno MacGuff: And Bleeker is actually great... in chair. Definitely one of my favourite! Hahaha. Horny. Juno MacGuff: [voice over] When I see them all running like that, with their things bouncing around in their shorts, I always picture them naked, even if I don't want to. All I see is pork swords. Juno MacGuff: Uhhh, I hate it when adults use the term "sexually active." What does it even mean? Am I gonna like deactivate some day or is it a permanent state of being? I know nobody will read this but you will once you've watched Juno. Because it's real funny. You can like totally watch it here. And this song's really nice. Anyone Else But You - Ellen Page & Michael Cera The starting song too! All I Want Is You. This is the hamburger phone Juno and Paulie has. And then open it, and if you wanna hear those people's voices, you can click on the various numbers. There are some quotes, that I've mentioned above, especially the 'Oh we can make out, La la la' one. Pause 'Can You Hear Me' above. Cos this widget is really cool :D Hahaha. Well, yea, I think Michaels and Bens (Benjamins) are cute. At least for those that I know, plus like. No, not Michael Cera, he was only cute for a tiny little weeny moment. Michael Moscovitz is reaaaaaaally cute. Like way geeky. I love geeks! ('Cause they make the best boyfriends too!) ![]() From Wikipedia: Michael Moscovitz: To Mia, for most of the novels, the love of her life and the only reason for living. He is Lilly's older brother. He begins the series as a senior at Albert Einstein High School. He is like Lilly in that he is highly intelligent and academic, but unlike his younger sister, Michael is much more socially adept. He is proven to be a very perceptive and a "wise beyond his years" sort of young man. Michael is often referred to as the most normal of his family (who are all a bit neurotic), and he is often displayed as the backbone of his family. He is also the treasurer of the computer club and co-valedictorian. Mia notes that he has a "surprisingly" well-defined chest. He is a fan of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Star Wars. Mia has a crush on Michael until Princess in Love, when they become boyfriend and girlfriend the night before Mia has to leave to spend her Christmas in Genovia. They remain a couple until the end of volume eight, where Mia breaks up with him on account of his "dishonesty" (specifically his omissions relating to his relationship with Judith Gershner), the night before he is to fly to Japan for a year where a company has expressed interest in his robotic arm prototype that will replace open heart surgery. Though, in the ninth installment Mia reveals to her psychologist, Dr. Knutz, that "dishonesty" wasn't the real reason she ended things, but actually more of an excuse as she felt extremely inferior to him, and felt it likely that he would dump her very soon for someone better. At the beginning of the ninth book, Mia attempts to salvage their relationship, but Michael refuses. At the end of the ninth installment, Michael and Mia begin to reform a relationship in the form of friendship, though Mia is still in love with him. It is not completely clear what Michael's feelings are, as he alluded to the fact (more than once throughout the series) that he was very serious about Mia, to the extent of marrying her and becoming her Consort. But he broke up with her all the same. Ok, sounds like a jerk at the end. But I don't know, maybe I'll still love him for the moment till I read until Book 8. I'm still on Book 4! I can't find the time to read. Thanks to holy EOYs! Well yea ok, I know this is getting boring. Yea, I must start indulging myself in books. Maybe I should consider being a nerd 8-) Hahaha, Xuan and Maowei were talking about University stuff and so I just kept listening and they were telling me about the various CCAs. And since one was from Arts Facualty and the other was from Science Facualty, they were like trying to make me go to their facualty. And Xuan was like,"She doesn't like science! Hahaha." Yea but the CCAs sound really interesting. There's like a CCA, that trains you how to be a DJ! Hahahaha. So cool yea. I think if I ever had the chance to go to Uni, I would want to go to Arts Faculaty. There are cool modules like Psychology :D Byebye :D Losing you is like living in a world with no air.
Just a general thought on team work. Sometimes people don't exactly value chances to be able to do something together.Well but we ought to know that no matter how much we don't like it, there are times whereby we've got to work with people, be it whether we like them or not. And yea, sometimes I really do hate project works but I do like it, in a sense, I do get to interact with other people, which can be really fun. Hark I don't really know what to say anymore. I'm like no longer have anything against anyone. I just want to say, To quit halfway is just a convenient option and you're just being a quitter. Filming today, turned out to be nothing, though we were rather amused. We were like transferring the videos from the video cam to the computer and oh yea, I tried to edit the videos at home and guess what. SERENA!!!!!!!! I THINK THERE'S A BLOODY DIFFERENCE BETWEEN MY WMM AND THE SCHOOL'S WMM. I CAN'T EDIT THE BLOODY VIDEOS. NOTHING APPEAR :O Die. Well, at least I've more or less settled the starting and credits. I feel so lethargic. I really wanna do something about my fringe but I don't know what I should do. 1. Cut it short and pin it up. 2. Cut it short and leave it there. 3. Pin everything up. I don't know if I should have a slant fringe or bangs. I only look nice with my fringe up at night -_- Cos my hair will be washed like a few hours ago and then it'd be like totally not sweaty nor oily and it's like so smooth and nice. But the next morning, my fringe will end up clumping, which is why my hair is always so screwed. Zzz. Mummy says my hair is turning red! |