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Hello, I'm Huien. Member of It's F, Bitch, with the title of Lucky Cute Bitch. |
Layout: Lipstick Lullabies XIII. comments
4Flipflop EDS Angela Apollonia Bryan Deborah Hitoshi Jasmine RuiXin Serena SuMei Yeling YokeMing archives
Codes: dc/tdn |
You'll still listen to the same shit you did back then, high school never ends.
I don't know how many people will read this but this year have passed really quickly. In a blink of an eye, I've actually spent around 3 years in DHS. And it feels like yesterday that I've graduated from PCPS. I really miss Primary School life, the innocent times, the crazy things I did, such as having some really cool book with Iris and Xinyuan.And everything changed when I came to DHS. My results dropped almost instantly, Maths became the weakest subject when it was the second weakest in Primary School, and I scored like 80+ in P6. And I guess the main point, is not about transition from a little kiddo to a young adult. But rather, this one year with 3F, has been really fun, meaningful and I felt that 3F was like the best class ever. I still do miss 2G, like how the not so cool people (Say the geeks), were also mixing around with the popular volleyballers. It was like so cool. And it was different for 3F I guess. We do have cliques but I guess we do bond as well? When I first stepped into 3F classroom, the first thought that came to my mind was,"Wow, the ceiling is far above my head." Apparently, for the 2G classroom, the level was not that above my head. I didn't think I would be able to make any friends, since I didn't exactly knew any girl in 3F? But on the first day of school, I sat beside Serena, and her hair was so super cool. And it's amazing, because she wouldn't have sat beside me, if not for Ruixin and Deborah. I guess we had affinity since Day 1? Because RX and Deborah didn't see her bag, so they sat at her place, and she angrily took her bag away and asked if there was anyone beside me and plopped beside me. Then there was C.H.A.T. and the times were really fun :) And I know a lot of bitching started to happen, mainly from me I guess. Most people should know about what happened but now, I'm glad to say, I've apologised for whatever that happened, and I don't hate anyone in 3F anymore. We've got another year to go, and it's so tiring to hate someone. It's so much easier to be friends. During level camp, I guess, I was lucky Sharon didn't go for it, so I had a chance to bunk with Xingfang and hang out with RX and the rest. I guess I'm not afraid to say this but I was pretty left out when it was just Charlene, Teresa, Peishan, Jasmine and I. Well, I expected myself to be left out sooner or later because there's also an odd number of girls in class, there's bound to be one person to be left out and it would be me. I would talk to Xingfang about how I feel and thanks for being so understanding! It was fun bunking with you, and if I spun 360 degress and kicked you or something, I'm really sorry -_- (But I don't think I did lah. HAHAHA) When I disappeared from school for one week to go to Korea, I knew immediately that when I returned to school in Term 3, I would definitely be so left out but Xingfang was really nice, and she would ask me along during recess. Slowly, I started to get closer with Serena, RX and the rest. I guess, I was really lucky to not be left out? And because of my whole Ben Romans obsession, I randomly said something about being taitais and playing Mahjong, and we started to have Mahjong Clan. But since all of us were unable to play Mahjong at that point of time, we decided to change our name, to It's F, Bitch. Mahjong Clan was open to everyone who had 'husbands', except for RX, who ended up being Mrs Phelps. When our name changed, many people kind of 'left' the group. Not exactly left, but because it was no longer any 'Mrs' thing. I guess bitches really do make my day in school everyday. Our crazy antics, and laughing at every single thing, spending time observing people (:D :D :D), and cramming hard together before the exams, you girls are really cool in your own way. In this short year, I felt depress on many occasions, and the pressing issues were mainly LA Film and my studies. To film group: I'm sorry if I've been temperamental or whatever, but I was really sick of all the delay and I couldn't stand the low efficiency level we had so it sent me ticking. But nevertheless, thanks to every single member for your contribution in some way or another because without you, we would have never accomplish what we've got. The biggest thanks goes to Janson, who probably did the most thing in the group, from the thinking of the whole plot, to the doing of proposal, to the way we should film, and coming down to help us film the last few scenes. And I think I really had the right to complain, since I did many things as well -_- (Hey, I'm stating a fact. I kept editing the script, thought of the story should go, did the whole storyboard, redid almost the whole storyboard, did the starting and end of the film) and I was so tired that the group was unable to cooperate and we had problems when it came to meeting up and stuff. With regards to studies, I faced many issues, especially with my family but I'm just contented with my EOY results and am glad that I managed to scrape through this year because I'm going to work hard for next year! I don't think I will do Physics in Year 5 anyway :D Physics suck!!!! Maths is so much better!! And to bitches Bichiest Big Boob Bisexual Bitch It's really fun being with you since we're of almost the same frequency, like being horny and everything. And you're really evil when it comes to Ruixin and Deborah, but you were never once mean to me!! Like you wouldn't go and shoot me and say things like I'm flat or something like you always do. Shopping with you isn't THAT bad, like how RX said. (You went into every single shop, touched everything, and when the rest just stepped into the shop, you just walked out and headed for another shop?) That didn't happen during the countless times we went shopping together. Black Boobless Brainy/Bimbotic Bitch I've always bullied you, since forever! Like keep teasing you but recently I've been super nice to you, haven't I? Hahaha, I hope you didn't have any grudge against me or anything because I was just being playful. And yea, maybe, I do have this secret liking for you, like you said. Because I actually dreamt of myself running towards you while screaming your name, and hugged you tightly -_- And you're actually deeper than me!!! (Shocked :O) Well it's obviously understandable since you have been diving since forever and I haven't been swimming for years! I really wonder why all that chlorine doesn't bleach you. P.S. I don't have any picture of you!!! Evil Skinny Bitch Hahaha, skinny bitch! Who ask you to be so skinny. So I had to give you that name and you're so evil. You should wear that shirt, that you wore that time we went out to study, more often, and in front of Serena because y'know, HEHEHE. I don't know what's with your obsession for books but y'know what, watching shows are definitely much better than reading. But the books are always better. (Like of course ._.) Fat Bimbotic Bitch You seriously shouldn't have tried the fat thing because you ended up being unable to get rid of bimbotic -_- Thanks for patiently teaching me all the time, from when you sat beside me onwards and up till now! It's like so fun to talk to you about really crazy stuff, y'know Taiwanese shows, and then the music we listen to. And you're like pretty clean, but not as clean as Sharon, so you're quite slow when it comes to certain things. Way to go girl, continue watching AP :D Lucky Cute Bitch love y'all :) I can't write something that's as meaningful and touching as Janson did, but that kind of sums up my whole Year 3 life. Life just seemed to passed faster. In Year 1, it felt as if the year felt shorter, and the years just kept getting shorter when I moved on to Year 2, then Year 3. It's crazy, I tell you. Is it just me or did the Earth start to spin faster? Because my life has been moving at a really quick paced and the speed just keeps increasing since 2005. I really need a break. Or maybe, I've already had too many breaks. It's probably time to go full gear. Baby you are the weapon that I choose, these wounds are self-inflicted.
I knew it wasn't the last day of school, which is why I said,"It doesn't feel like it's the last day of school." Because if it really was for me, everything would be too good to be true.I don't really dread going back to school for another 2 weeks, till 12 November but I'm gonna be so totally stretched. Like, it will be normal school days. Except no more school bus, which I can do better off without it since the screwed up bus driver doesn't come almost every day (God knows how the hell is he able to hold on to his job when he's so bloody incompetent), I have to take the train to school (But I can wake up 25 minutes later :D). I still have to come in the bloody uniform and if there's CCA, I'm practically in school from 8 to say, 5? It's gonna be so super tiring. But I'm not gonna complain, because I really do want to spend time clearing up subjects that I'm unclear of and the 2 weeks of (maybe, intensive?) studying, which focuses on Maths and Sciences, would (It has to!!) be greatly beneficial. And plus, I've finally got an A. Like oh god, for once! Y'know, once for overall, I actually had an A, all thanks to film. Flash wasn't that screwed after all, but I'll never get to see the film. Bloody hell, Tianming couldn't find it. And I want my storyboard back. How am I going to get it back from Mr Ken? It can totally be my portfolio for any drawing/designing opportunities next time, since I did the whole thing by myself, from the printing of templates, to drawing, to binding, to doing up the (really simple) cover page and even submitting it. I'm really not complaining not matter how much you think I sound like I do. I really have to do something about my studies during this holidays anyway :) I think I will enjoy the whole booklist thing, since I've got quite a few books to choose from. There's Jane Eyre!!! The book which Grandmere made Mia read and it caused Tina to break up with her boyfriend (Can't remember his name, some insignificant guy), and well, she got together with Boris!! Apparently, that booklist doesn't have any books from Meg Cabot!! There goes my chance in writing some long letter about Princess Diaries, and a bigger chance, to start collecting the Mediator series!!! And why does Wuthering Heights sound so familiar? And The Awakening too. Sounds like some TVB drama title. Oh and at William Shakespeare, I saw the books called 'All!' and I thought, he's a book called All? -_- I totally wanna read Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde!!! It's nice I heard!! :D Y'all should totally listen to my playlist ok, because the songs are really nice, especially Waking Up In Vegas and Self-Inflicted. Shut up and put your money where your mouth is.
![]() I Kissed A Girl - Katy Perry This was never the way I planned, not my intention. I got so brave, drink in hand, lost my discretion It's not what I'm used to, just wanna try you on. I'm curious for you, caught my attention. I kissed a girl and I liked it, the taste of her cherry chap stick. I kissed a girl just to try it, I hope my boyfriend don't mind it. It felt so wrong, It felt so right. Don't mean I'm in love tonight. I kissed a girl and I liked it (I liked it). No, I don't even know your name, it doesn't matter. You're my experimental game, just human nature. It's not what good girls do, not how they should behave. My head gets so confused, hard to obey. I kissed a girl and I liked it, the taste of her cherry chap stick. I kissed a girl just to try it, I hope my boyfriend don't mind it. It felt so wrong, It felt so right. Don't mean I'm in love tonight. I kissed a girl and I liked it (I liked it). Us girls we are so magical, Soft skin, red lips, so kissable. Hard to resist, so touchable. Too good to deny it. Ain't no big deal, it's innocent. I kissed a girl and I liked it, the taste of her cherry chap stick. I kissed a girl just to try it, I hope my boyfriend don't mind it. It felt so wrong, It felt so right. Don't mean I'm in love tonight. I kissed a girl and I liked it (I liked it). Hell, I didn't want to put this song up at first but I couldn't find 'Waking Up In Vegas', so I just put this song. Ms Low is quite a good chef! Her Mushroom Swiss is not bad but I'm not exactly a huge fan of cheese, so I won't go like,"Oh it's so damn good," and start fighting like mad for it, like what the Year 5s did. Oh my, and what the hell is going on man? How did (untrue) news even went around so fast -_-? It's so not true and Samson said he heard many people talking about it. Omfg, whatever you hear, it's not true, except the fact that I think he's (He is he, someone lah) super cute. Hell, I bloody don't like him. I just wasted money AGAIN. And this time round, I spent like around $182.50. It's crazy. God, I should seriously stop shopping for like a super long while. I bought a black cardigan, grey top, pink spag, and other stuff. Arrrggh. And what's bloody wrong with all the news?? It's just so depressing. Recession here, and there. People complaining that they've invested in something wrong, they want to get their money back. The whole half an hour you spend in front of the tv is just trying to make you upset and more upset as the whole world is going through this whole crisis. I doubt I'll get the chance to watch HSM 3: Senior Year. Everybody seems to have watched it, if not found someone to watch it, if not they just go like,"It's going to be on Disney Channel soon anyway, and it's gonna be repeated every weekend and maybe even on weekdays. You get the normal version, sing-a-long version, or maybe even a dance-a-long version." Lucky bitch is out of luck. Get out of this whole dream. It's over. Grrrrrrrrrr. Why the hell am I feeling so screwed. Dang, I'm sad :( I'm gonna shop again tomorrow. I swear. Well, maybe I'll just window shop. I've got nothing to buy anyway. I'm a (not so) happy girl. I'm feeling so lost and empty T_T I'm feeling blue. Now you're plain boring I should know that you're not gonna change 'Cause you're hot then you're cold You're yes then you're no You're in then you're out You're up and you're down You're wrong when it's right It's black and it's white We fight, we break up We kiss, we make up You don't really want to stay, no But you don't realy want to go You're hot then you're cold You're yes then you're no You're in then you're out You're up then you're down EDS members, do check out EDS Blog for EDS photos. Tell any committee member which photos you want. The guilt is all on you but I'm easier to blame.
Shopping is just so addictive. Oh no, I'm starting to be some spendthrift!! Help!!!(Ok, there are 2 things on my shopping list that I'm so gonna get but both are really quite steep. But it's so worth it!!!!) So finally after a long time, I met up with Huiying!!! Ahhhh, it's just so fun being around with her! (And I kept laughing the whole time) I ate my burger-less burger. Like it was some burger but there was no burger, it was meat wrapped with tomatoes and lots of lettuce. Yea, crazy right? They should just call it surger (salad burger) or something -_- We walked from PS all the way to Orchard and it was total craziness. We were hoping for some guy to just approach us and ask if we would like to try some coffee, by Boss. Lol, and yay! We got approached and we tried the original and latte. Well, coffee all tastes like Nescafe anyway. But we got a free drink under the crazy warm sun (actually, it wasn't THAT warm but still, warm warm) We shopped at Far East Plaza like crazy!!! But it was just SO SO SO SO SO FUN. We combed from Level 1 all the way to Level 5. There were 3 shops with the name Huen. Like what the hell is Huen. I bet they wanted 'Huien' but their hanyupinyin sucked or something so it became Huen, like Hu Ge, and you can google and get 'huge'. (No, actually you will get Hu ge, HAHAHA) If you get what I mean. Like hello, if they can spell Far East as Fra East, they can spell Huien and Huen. This level seems to be for the lao-er people. I was like probably the worst, lousiest, noisiest shopper ever. I stepped into a shoe shop, tried 2 different sizes of a pair of suet heels (Like damn bloody tall heels), laughed like mad because I felt as if I'm doing ballet (On my toes) when I was on the heels, then left the shop. Stepped into another shop, tried this really chio pair of purple shoes (Damn chio ok, should I get it!?!?!?!), found it too mature, lady said,"It's not old on you. It's for those 20+ years old people. You're around 18, so it's ok." and I replied,"Uh, I'm 15.", lady got a shock of her life and apologised. Stepped into Covet, tried on this pair of flats, changed a few sizes, finally got a size right (Well, not exactly since the left foot was ok and the right foot was super tight), walked around, and felt that there was colour difference in the shoe (There really is!!!! The left side looked SO MUCH older and DIRTIER than the right side) And I saw this pair of super nice (grey pvc) boots!!!! Omg, the heel wasn't like bloody hell tall, and when I wore it, I felt super comfy. It didn't feel as if I was doing ballet or whatever and the shopkeepers were like,"Wah, so tall then wear this, even taller." It's $39.90 apparently. Whatever, it's gonna be under my wishlist. We went to some accessories shop, and saw like some super chio accessories. We both bought bags and I don't know if the one I bought was worth it or not but it's quite big and I can use it for tuition. No longer stuck to my white PVC bag, which is so dirty now. I'm afraid I won't use it :( (It looks good on me right, Huiying? :x) Went to Cotton On and I saw this pair of bermudas. Nice. Super nice. Godamnit nice. SERIOUSLY OMFGWTFBBQ NICE. It's $49.95. And I HAVE to get it. It's a male clothing but seriously, I don't care. It looks good on me. It's so bloody comfortable and I love the pockets. I've never felt so comfy in berms before. And the material is like so good. The colour was super nice too! Shopping with Huiying is just so fun. Though I think I'm like super wth when it comes to shopping, because I will keep going,"So nice leh!" then look for a super long time and decide not to buy. And I think those who sell shoes will totally want to throw shoes at me, because I'll keep trying and I know that I won't buy them. Hahahaha. Huiying, if there's one person who deserves a Rooney disc, it has to be you! And I'm glad that you're the owner of 'Calling The World'!!! Rooney just produces great music, Robert Carmine composed every single song that Rooney is singing. (Sorry I took a picture of it! Well, I just had to :x!) I tossed and turned all night 'cause I was looking for an ending.
YOU HAVE TO WATCH THIS The O.C. Best Music Moment #41 - "I'm Shakin'" Rooney They are just so awesome. And Robert Carmine/Schwartzman is genius! He wrote ALL of the songs in both Rooney (Enhanced CD) and Calling The World. And he is just so geeky! But he's so not Michael in that video! That video is just so good alright! You can totally ignore the speaking and kissing part. If only they could hold their tours in SG, that'd be so super cool but it's almost impossible because they don't have like a super large fanbase in here like TC5 or something. They are just so good. I've forgotten what it feels like to feel normal I'm so hyped about meeting Huiying tomorrow! It's definitely gonna be so cool! Today's activities were much better. Elsa: How did Captain Hook die? And Wenzhong is just the coolest chairperson ever! He sang today and he was super nervous but he received a standing ovation from 3F!!! You should totally listen to him sing at random times because he's so good when it comes to Jay Chou's or Ah Du's songs. I pretty much suck as HOP. How can anyone be so screwed? Dang. I'm sorry, team. I'm calling the world, calling everyone for you.
Omg, Meg Cabot is so cute. And I'm so addicted to her books. I totally want to get The Mediator series and Avalon High now. I actually read quite a lot this year. I'm reading Boy Meets Girl now, though the story doesn't seem to have any link to the title but it's interesting! And I got the 9th installment for Princess Diaries!!!! (So gonna claim money from Momo -_-) Princess Diaries author: a fairytale escape She's such a good writer! And I don't know, she's just different, from the rest. I totally admire her. Thanks Serena for lending me this disc! You totally rock. Hahahaha :D We saw Alan Tern and Kim Ng today! Alan Tern is just so good-looking! (And he maintains super well. Still looks so young!) I'm starting to have a really warped definition of cute. Oh no, that's really bad. Oh well, I think Shikai sounded cute on sms today -_- (Sorry, please don't puke) Hahaha, it was his birthday yesterday! I don't know why, I do remember people's birthday but I don't actually wish them. And he wished me happy belated birthday. Hahaha, super cute. The way he typed it out. Ok, dang. I'm really going insane. I feel like a bookworm. I'm so gonna start reading every single one of Meg Cabot's book! She's seriously super cute!!! The way she talks and writes, she's just so lovable. I never knew reading could be that fun and interesting. But small words and really thick books still put me off and scare the shit out of me. Like omg. How d'you actually manage to even read Harry Potter, Lord Of The Rings, and whatever the craze is now, Twilight yada. Don't those ant-like words just scare you because it just seem as if you'll take forever to complete that book? I've never really enjoyed reading anyway. With the exception of Meg Cabot's books and Mary-Kate & Ashley Sweet 16 series. Oh, I so need to get a complete set of Sweet 16 as well. How could you forget what we had?
Ok, I'm not out to make people feel bad but nevertheless, I'm still quite amazed with my grades, for the fact that I expected myself to do really badly but in the end, I failed like one subject.And for the first time in Secondary school life, I actually passed Maths! (Even though it was only Maths 1 but still, a great achievement!) Ms Low said that I've improved tremendously since start of the year (Maths 1 from F to C, and uh, Maths 2 still D but I really did improved!!) And I failed Maths 2 like by 1 half mark only ok!! I was close to passing!! I'm so motivated to work harder! (Oh well, at least I hope I am) I'm not so self-actualized yet I guess. But I'm sure I will achieve self-actualization one day, some way or another. Most importantly, I would like to thank those who helped and encouraged me in various ways, namely, Bitch Clan (Serena, Deborah, Ruixin), Sharon, GF (Good friend, identity protected), Huiying, and many other people. Thanks Bitch Clan for studying with me. I don't know if our study group was effective but I think it did helped! Like Deborah, helped with lots of Geography stuff and Ruixin with various maths stuff. Serena, liven the mood of course! :D Thanks Sharon for teaching me Physics Moments for the third time, oh well, you're the third person who taught me that question -_- Thanks GF for teaching me Physics for hours. Yes, thanks for clearing my doubts and uncertainties (I know you've heard it twice, doesn't hurt to hear it one more time)!!! Without your help, I would have failed physics. Totally owe you one. (You're not going to read this but heck) Thanks Huiying for talking to me and making me smile to my computer like some silly fool! It's so nice to chat with you about almost everything under the sun! Tina loves you! :D Ok, I should seriously stop thanking people as if I've won some Oscar award or whatever. But I'm happy beyond words! I ATE FRIED MARS BALLS WITH A SCOOP OF VANILLA ICE-CREAM. It was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD. You should totally try it, from Chippy's British Take Away (Xinwei thinks I called the food CHEAP-y. Wth -_-) I'm a happy girl! -Skips around and gives Joy & Serena evil glare. Random pictures (Like really random)
![]() Can you see what's in the picture? Damn cool can. ![]() I loved my handwriting here. So not Huien-ish. ![]() Not yet $300 worth of cup-noodles. ![]() Scary huh. (There were still many more packs of the 9 package one -_-) ![]() Justin and JJ doing god knows what. ![]() -_- ![]() (Why does Justin's ahem looks so ... here) ![]() Couple cold war. Hahaha. ![]() Ok, whatever. It looks much better in real life. |