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Hello, I'm Huien. Member of It's F, Bitch, with the title of Lucky Cute Bitch. |
Layout: Lipstick Lullabies XIII. comments
4Flipflop EDS Angela Apollonia Bryan Deborah Hitoshi Jasmine RuiXin Serena SuMei Yeling YokeMing archives
Codes: dc/tdn |
The 'Honestly' Quiz● Honestly, does your parents approve of you dating? No, not till I'm in University or something. ● Honestly, what color is the shirt you're wearing now? White. ● Honestly, what's on your mind? I farting wanna die. ● Honestly, when did you last cry? Just. ● Honestly, have you watched Shot of Love with Tila Tequila? Not done with yet. Done with the second season though. Am going to watch the 3rd season. More lesbian in action. (I farting hate Vanessa from Season 1, can't Tila just see that that bitch is a farting hypocrite and in Season 2, go ahead and cry your farting eyes out Tila, Kristy just rocks to the maximum) ● Honestly, do you want to see someone this very minute? Yes but whatever man. ● Honestly, do you like someone? Whatever. ● Honestly, are you normally a happy person? Yes, I think I am. Or at least I used to be. ● Honestly, what makes you mad? Many things. Whatever, sucker. ● Honestly, are there any people who don't like you? Yea of course. ● Honestly, do you miss your ex? Yea, he's a good girlfriend. (BE GLAD THIAYONGQUAN!!!!!! GET YOUR ASS BACK IN SG!! I NEED TO TALK TO YOU AND MAKE MYSELF HAPPIER ZZZ) ● Honestly, what's something you wish you could understand better? You, why can't you just see man? ● Honestly, have you ever kissed someone whose name started with an M? No. ● Honestly, have you ever dated someone longer than a year? Yes. Not surprising. ● Honestly, do you think that you're a good person? No. I suck. But you aren't any better. ● Honestly, do you believe in love at first sight? Maybe (not). ● Honestly, do you hate the last person you were talking to? No. Of course not. I love Huiying. ● Honestly, who was the last person you liked/crushed on? Last person? I'm a lesbian already. I love girls lah, now can you girls all start to run away? ● Honestly, do you know what you want in life? Yes. But it seems impossible. ● Honestly do you smoke weed regularly? I hate smokers. Seee, I FARTING HATE THEM! ● The last text you received on your cell was from? Huiying. (Where did all your 'Honestly's go to?) ● Do you like your cell phone? Yes. It's my music source. ● Do you believe in true love? I don't think I'll ever find true love because I probably don't deserve to love. Now, that's sad. ● Are you playing hard to get right now? No, I think this is one of the rare times that I've done anything so crazy and I farting swear I'm never gonna love again. Cos love sucks like fart. I tell you girls are the best. ● Do you miss your past? Maybe. ● Are you proud of the person you've become? I know I've improved. Will keep improving. I'm not good enough yet. ● What are you doing besides this survey? Listening to music. ● When was the last time you msn-ed your ex? A few days ago, and he was in Malaysia. GET BACK TO SINGAPORE DUDE!!!!! ● In the past week have you felt sad? Yes, I am now. Bloody hell. ● How do you feel when someone kisses you on the forehead? I don't know. Maybe he/she might wanna go wash her mouth? ● When was the last time you wanted to punch someone in their face? I don't know. I don't think I've got extreme violent tendencies. ● Are you afraid of death/dying? Maybe not. ● How many people do you know with your name? Around 3/4? ● Would you rather watch football or baseball? None. ● Do you prefer warm or cold weather? 25degC. ● How's your heart lately? It's broken. (Whatever, laugh people. Go ahead and be happy about it) Hearts will never be practical, until they can be made unbreakable. From "Ding Dong The Witch is Dead," The Wizard Of Oz Love is a piano dropped from a fourth storey window, and you were in the wrong place at the wrong time. From "Two Little Girls," Ani Difranco I can't make you love me if you don't. I can't make your heart feel something it won't. From "I Can't Make You Love Me," Bonnie Raitt ● Did someone make you mad today? Yea kinda. Mum drives me mad almost everyday. And people who smoke in front of me. ● Where do you wish you were 30 minutes ago? I wish I were dead. Thanks. Quel dommage. Sacré bleu! Can't you see that you lie to yourself?
It's the first time I've ever felt this lonely, Wish someone cure this pain It's funny when you think it's gonna work out Till you chose weed over me you’re so lame I thought you were cool until the point, Up until the point you didn't call me when you said you would Finally figured out you're all the same, Always coming up with some kind of story Every time I try to make you smile, You're always feeling sorry for yourself Every time I try to make you laugh, You can't your too tough You think you're loveless Is that too much that I’m askin for? Thought you'd come around when I ignored you, Sorta thought you'd have the decency to change But babe I guess you didn't take that warning, ’Cause I'm not about to look at your face again Can't you see that you lie to yourself? You can't see the world through a mirror It won't be too late when the smoke clears ’Cause I, I am still here But every time I try to make you smile, You're always feeling sorry for yourself Every time I try to make you laugh, You stand like a stone, Alone in your zone Is that too much that I’m askin for? Can't find where I am, lying here alone in fear, Afraid of the dark, no one to claim alone again Can't you see that you lie to yourself? You can't see the world through a mirror, It won't be too late when the smoke clears ’Cause I, I am still here Every time I try to make you smile, You're always feeling sorry for yourself Every time I try to make you laugh, You can't your too tough You think you're loveless It was too much that I asked him for A trip to the 'fortune teller's, I think that's what they call him. And I'm pretty sure I'll never go back again, in the near future. Maybe I'll go back like years later (if it's even possible) Sorry, but I farting can't stand smokers. Look, I don't wanna breathe in second hand smoke, and get my lungs all black or whatever. I swear the time spent was one of the most horrible moments in my life. I'd rather touch meal worms or whatever I did during AHS camp, then to sit there, breathe in smoke, and smile and have to be polite and look as if everything's ok when I'm trying to hold my breath, and breathe irregularly. But I guess what he said about me was pretty true even though I thought certain stuff he said were pretty common sensical -_- I mean like, if you love someone a lot, if you were to break up, of course you will heartbreak what. You mean that's not common sense -_-? Hahaha. I hope what he said about me being able to study is true though. Even though I've screwed up my start of the year, pretty badly. Damn. If I were to fall for you, would you catch me at all? Serena: Hahaha too late, I already replied to that person. Ruixin: LOL yes, you're so slow -.- Tsk. Sharlene: HII :D I want beehoon. Yeling: Huge classes are always fun. I wonder how Senior High life's like. Baby tell me how, how you love me now?
You are likely to spend a lot of time today daydreaming about the future -- but it will be time well spent! It's never too early to make a plan, especially one that you think could help you achieve a major goal. Thoughts about where you want to live next, who you want to grow old with, or what kind of family you want will be swimming around your head, and you should give them some thought whenever you can. Be open to change -- what you think you want desperately today might seem silly tomorrow. We spent 1 hour today, thinking about our future. Wow. Actually, I'm starting to think horoscopes are like, fake. LOL. Cos there's this video of Criss Angel doing 'Tarot Card Reading', and apparently, he just cuts out like stuff from horoscope and stick them onto the cards, and get people to come in. Then he reads out the exact same thing to every single person, and they believed in it. It's more of psychological thing you see, it's whether you choose to believe it or not. I think I screwed up Matrices test. And I never knew certain lessons could be so lame. Oh, ba ma. (WHATEVER -_-) Look inside, look inside your tiny mind, and look a bit harder. 'Cos we're so uninspired, so sick and tired, of all the hatred you harbour. Pictures CNY Celebration 2009 Credits: Janson, Serena & Ruixin NYDC Mengran & Wenzhong I didn't scare Noel ah. Must be Serena -_- Where got like family la -_- Lesbian mates. Poor Sharon. Girls. (Teresa not childcare center kid can -_-) Lesbian/Bisexual partner :D And if you like seeing Justin being really retarded... JJ punching my 同桌. Tsk ah. ![]() Justin and mini mahjong. (I swear he's so clumsy) ![]() AND WHERE GOT PEOPLE PLAY MAHJONG ON PALM ONE -_- Why do you race through my red lights?
You were talking to her But messing with me It's finally clear You're blurring the lines Are you disturbed? Oh, now you care Why do you race through my red lights? Can't understand I'll slow it down for you Tell me how can you sleep? How can you breathe? Baby tell me how How you love me now Tell me how can you sleep? How can you breathe? I hate when you say How you love me now Save Save it for her I'm not gonna hear Your reasons and "please-just-take-me-backs" We never were right Don't waste your breath You crashed and you're on your own tonight Can't understand I'll slow it down for you Tell me how can you sleep? How can you breathe? Baby tell me how How you love me now Tell me how can you sleep? How can you breathe? I hate when you say How you love me now Lights out I found out My falling star Goodbye The sun rises here There's no more you and I Tell me how can you sleep? How can you breathe? Baby tell me how How you love me now Tell me how can you sleep? How can you breathe? I hate when you say How you love me now How you love me now How you love me now 4 hours of Mahjong today. And I really don't understand what's so addictive about it.. I mean like, I don't understand those typical HK shows, whereby they say they wanna play throughout the night and stuff, when I played for a few hours and I get quite bored lor.. But it's a good way to waste your time away. But still, it gets boring after a while. I'm not saying this because I didn't really win today (I GOT WIN OK, AND IT'S LIKE IMBA. LOL. BUT GOT RECEIVE HELP LA :D) When I first started playing, I almost got a Qing Yi Se (Pure One Suit Hand) but someone else Hu first, so unlucky me :( And after that, I just kept losing, in a sense, I didn't win at all, until Qingyuan helped me. Then I got half a Qing Yi Se, and won 9 chips back (3 fan x 3), after losing for like don't know how many rounds. Don't understand, look here. Well, here's something random, because I got tagged on FB to do this, so here I am doing it now. LOLOL. 25 Random Things Rules: Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it’s because I want to know more about you! 1) I have a pretty extensive collection of CDs at home. 2) I wanna collect many discs and when I have my own home in the future, I can have a room that looks like a music store. 3) I have suicidal tendencies but after thinking of committing suicide, I immediately shudder out from the thought and become normal again. 4) I hate dolls. Barbies are disgusting!!! 5) I like to bully stuffed toys, in a sense, I will keep shaking them and see their heads wobble wobble and I get a sense of satisfaction. 6) I love potatoes. Got a problem with that? 7) I love pink, and green. 8) I want to design my own house in the future and make sure that it has a fixed colour and cartoon theme. Like if it's pink, the whole house shall be pink and Hello Kitty-ish (Hello Kitty keyboard, this and that) and if it's green, it's gonna be this nice shade of green and all the Keroppi stuff (I've got quite a huge collection, from contact lens casing to tissue box cover, to those Japanese door curtains). 9) I don't see what's so appealing about diamonds. I don't actually think I want diamonds for my engagement/wedding ring.. 10) I think that people fighting over a will is dumb. Downright dumb. 11) I probably won't be able to find a man to marry because he will be afraid of my mum. 12) I think I might just be a princess in disguise (Whatever lah, MUST BE RANDOM) 13) I tend to be bisexual or lesbian on certain days. 14) I need music wherever I go. No music = no life. I'm clairaudio!! (Whatever!!! ._.) 15) I like to see lesbian in action. It's just so fascinating. 16) Porn is boring. It's the same thing but different people. BORING. (See, that's why I don't even remember to watch Zack and Miri make a porno) 17) I don't understand what's so fascinating about Maxim/FHM/Playeur/(you name it) cover girls. Some of them are so ugly. Eew. 18) I dislike most Singapore shows. 19) I look like I'm from debates. 20) I wonder when will I get my perfect snogging. (LOL) 21) I may look 名媛淑女 on the outside, but inside? Nadah. 22) I'm super unromantic and I make everything sounds dumb, and spoils the atmosphere (I think). 23) I want to bake for the guy I love, in time to come. 24) I think I'm the heaviest in my family. HEAVIER THAN MY FATHER. I'M SO SURE LOR. OMFGWTFBBQ! 25) I think Chupa Chups (Your favourite lollipop brand) has a really weird slogan - The Pleasure of Sucking. Ok, I don't know which 25 I want but the must do people are bitches, Huiying, my beloved EDS dancers (if you happen to read this blog). 也许让我失去你,是老天无聊的安排。
Listening to the old 5566 songs feel so good :D One More Try is like so nice. LOLOL.你的爱还在不在 该离开还是等待 白痴才放弃你 不再一起 也许让我失去你 是老天无聊的安排 你的爱还在不在 为何只剩下伤害 快没有力气 再拥抱你 我就快要不行 Oh baby give me one more try I think it's damn nice leh. Haha, old English love songs are nice too :D :D Sketchoflove.bs: WHAT'S WITH YOUR DN AND PM LA. ZZ Haha bro and I are so lame. I will update later. Am reading Mediator: Shadowland now! This CNY is really off to a bad start. I looked like a roasted pig after tossing those hellnotes into the burning furnace thingy. My skin was all red and I felt like I was being cooked. /edit Just came back from reunion dinner and I played Mahjong!! Hahaha, now can we please reform Mahjong Clan and WE HAVE MR YAP IN IT LOR!!!!! Mr Yap sounds so attractive right. Hahaha, I won 2 games. Apparently, the second game, was rather unexpected because the guys were all like,"Don't let you win ah." to one another and suddenly, I'm like,"Hu." and they're like HAH? I know 2 games is nothing ok, compared to you pro people out there but it is something for someone who played MJ for like 2 times in her life. OK. BYEBYEBYE I GO WATCH TV. MOOMOO :D :D passerby: Uhm, I learn gymnastics from SSC. Am from Dunman High School. And I don't give a damn what they say, what they think.
Hahaha, well regarding the previous post, I wasn't pissed or anything actually. Just confused and a little shocked. Because I don't understand lots of stuff -_-I can't believe how calmly I handled this situation because if it was the past me, what you would see is F words and 'chiobu's flying around the whole post. I really got better stuff to do than be bothered with people hating me and so on. Lots of homework to keep my mind occupied! And I did shopping! Bwahahaha :D Not many new clothes this year (Must save money!!) but still, good enough :D ![]() Ok well, actually this shirt was Bro's. It was like black and L originally but I wanted it :D and he had his Mr Asshole shirt (With some dude pointing middle finger -_-), and he didn't mind giving me his, so he kindly helped me change to a female's cutting and M size :D ![]() Blouse from EDC (I'm starting to dislike EDC casual t-shirts but this blouse is like chio :D) ![]() Striped shorts (You can't see the stripes, my phone camera sucks la) Esprit have super pretty shorts leh! But very expensive. This one was so expensive, so I didn't manage to buy a pair of 3 quarters that were like super comfy :( Oh wells, looking out for post CNY sales! Anyway I'm like playing Rock Legends (on Facebook). I think it's pretty lame but addictive -_- (It has like nothing to do with music and you stare at the screen blankly during the band battle but whatever) This really is the season to grow fat just by looking at the amount of pineapple tarts, shrimp rolls, japanese sweets, keropok I'm consuming. Bye! :D Goodheartedsoul: Yea, maybe the person is jealous. But well, it may also be out of goodwill? I don't know. Deborah: HAHAHA WLAO. DEBORAH YOU'RE SO CUTE -_- YEA, MUST BE THAT STALKER. JEALOUS THAT I STUDIED WITH YOU. TSK. You never see him anymore already right o_o? Sunsets and silhouette dreams.
Ok fellow Flipflops! If you see this, I've done up the new blog and it's HTTP://4FLIPFLOP.BLOGSPOT.COM!Now, time to settle my issue, and because I don't know who you are, so I can only communicate to you via my blog. It's a long chunk of words that you've typed there so here it is, as a whole. (And I've kindly helped to add in the capital letters and corrected your typos, no malice intended) You should totally get a life. Your desperation to be associated to popular people is utterly revolting. Stop acting cool and like the whole world revolves around you, simply because it doesn't, and your attitude simply stirs up rancor and complete abhoration among others who are related to those people you’re dying to get closed to. If you do not, in fact, need others’ validations to live, you wouldn’t require others’ advice, which, by the way, you have already admitted to needing. you’re just hoping to get encouragement from others who, FYI, might not care about you anymore, due to the change in your attitude ever since you got to know certain people. If you’re wondering why some people might not want to talk to you like they used to, stop bugging them, and reflect upon yourself. They might be avoiding you for certain reasons, and unless you change, they’ll probably avoid you forever. So stop trying, and give them a break. Before you continue with your accusation, I would like to clarify some stuff. First, I don't act cool. And I don't think I'm cool (I'd rather be cute. Please go grab your trash bag now and puke what you just consumed because I figured you'll probably be disgusted by what I just said). In what sense do I act cool? Please substantiate your point. Second, regarding the whole world revolves around me, I don't really know. I'm quite blind, apparently. Third, my attitude, stirs up rancor etc. What attitude? I don't think I've changed and become someone that's so revolting. Seriously, I've changed for the better since Sec 2. I don't spew vulgarities every 5seconds, and I'm actually trying to concentrate on my studies and do my homework. I don't see why I should disgust you. Fourth, my desperation to be associated to popular people? Can you please name who? Ruixin? Is it really that impossible to genuinely make friends with a person without others interfering? Fifth, if you saw that validation thing from my sidebar, let me tell you this, that paragraph was there when I downloaded the blogskin and used it and I thought it was nice to keep it there. And the meaning of validation? –verb (used with object), -dat⋅ed, -dat⋅ing. 1. to make valid; substantiate; confirm: Time validated our suspicions. 2. to give legal force to; legalize. 3. to give official sanction, confirmation, or approval to, as elected officials, election procedures, documents, etc.: to validate a passport. What's wrong with getting advice? Everyone needs advice, everyone needs encouragement. And me being someone who can be really emotional, all the more I need is encouragement. I don't see why that should disgust you in any way. Sixth, change in my attitude ever since I got to know certain people? Who? Bitches? Frankly speaking, I didn't change much. They made my Year 3 life better, and y'know what, I'm happy to have them. And the only people who will hurt me if they don't care about me anymore would be Huiying, bitches, EDS Year 4 Dancers and my family because at least they let me know what's it like being true to someone. Seventh, as for why certain people don't want to talk to me anymore, I really don't know who you're talking about. This whole chunk of words that you typed was just confusing and I couldn't comprehend like most of what was said. So you're gonna say,"Oh stop faking it. Y'know what I mean." Y'know what? I really don't know what you mean. Eighth, me trying? Are you trying to make me sound like I'm trying so hard to get something? Oh yes, so what am I trying to get? Let me make my point clear, maybe it's just me being slow or something, but up till now, I don't actually feel anyone avoiding me. Maybe you got the wrong person, maybe you didn't. Maybe you got some weird false information, and you think that what you just said, is gonna change me. I had thoughts of whether what you've just said, was on purpose to make me change for the better out of good intentions, or you were just trying to piss me off for the fun of it or you just want me to stay away from certain people. But let me tell you this, if you thought whatever you said, is gonna change who I am, that is so wrong. If you're my close friend, who did this, because you want me to be who I was (I don't want the vulgar disgusting me back, frankly speaking), I'd rather you tell me face to face or through msn and not here. If you're here, just pissed with me, and trying to rule my life, I'm sorry but you should go somewhere else to vent your anger. I'm done with what I've got to say. And I'm going off to sleep. My conscience isn't bugging me. I couldn't turn on the TV, without something there to remind me.
23 January, is such an eventful day. LOL.It's Alex's birthday :D, and it's 1 year of singlehood! Cheers to the many more years to come! I really wonder what the judges think about our classroom CNY decoration. Maybe other people think that we're really ridiculous to have potted plants and other stuff, but I've never seen the class being so united and the guys being so serious before. It's just awesome. I really like the classroom, because it has never been so pretty before. We have like potted plants, pussy willow (Yes, laugh laugh laugh), food corner (SO SUPER PRETTY), tub of rice, goldfish, beanbags, bamboos made of angpaos etc. Will get the pictures from Serena soon. (I think the goldfish will die this weekend -_-, the plants may too even though I've spammed lots of water but not too much, lest there'll be mosquito breeding) Maths Quiz was super cool! Mr Yeo gave us all a red packet each, with our test paper folded inside, and because it's rude to open red packets in front of our elders, he turned until he faced the whiteboard, then said we could start. So we opened the red packets and started doing the quiz, then fold our answer sheet and put everything back into the red packet and give it back to him. HAHAHA SO COOL RIGHT AND I EVEN REQUESTED FOR THE COW RED PACKET FROM PP!! But I have one question in my mind. How come Mr Yeo is so free to fold all the test papers for 4F&4J and put them into red packets, and then after that, he have to remove all of them one by one to mark, and put them back to return to us -_- LOL. And he said he will reuse the red packets and I said HUH!? SO CHEAPSKATE! Super loudly -_-
Hahaha. I'm starting to hate languages, I can see my grades falling from B to F. Work hard for Geog and Maths!!! Borrowed Meg Cabot's The Mediator: Shadowland and Louise Rennison's Angus, Thongs And Full-frontal Snogging: You'll Laugh Your Knickers Off :D Ok, got so much more important stuff to do now! As even broken hearts may have their doubts.
Sucks. Sucks, like totally.I really don't understand Mr Kiw and his random words of wisdom that makes no sense to me and makes me give the bewildered look. I mean, that wallet thing that happened today before RX, Charlene and I left. Like O_^ Wth man? D'you understand what he said? If you did, good for you. Apparently I didn't and walked out, feeling confused. And then, from that moment onwards, everything just came down on me. I never knew a slice of papaya for lunch could actually keep me going for quite a bit (Just like the little wonders of a packet of Pocky) I HATE THE NEW COMPOUND. I SWEARRRRRR. I CAN DIE FROM RUNNING INSIDE IT MAN. Went up to the sixth floor, only to receive a call that wanted Siyin to go down to the hall. So we took the CD in the radio, went to the hall, took a picture with Mr Yeo (O_O, I should have just siamed totally but I thought Siyin was going up the stairs to find the person, then I realised that they were going to take a picture -.-), knew that the CD was obviously not the one we needed, ran all the way back to the 6th floor to get the right CD, ran all the way down, watched the person rip the song (I'm more tech-savvy than her. Like, I was totally telling her where to find the song she ripped and stuff. I really wonder why man....) Then Siyin and I ran all the way back up to the 6th floor, grabbed our clothes, ran to the toilet to change, ran back to the dance room, rehearsed Viva twice, then I ran barefooted from the dance room all the way to the hall (WOW WOW WOW) AND THE BEST PART CAME. I really don't understand this thing about our school. Everytime there's this random performance for random people (And we seem to be performing the same thing ALL the time), and say this performance start at a certain time, we always have to RUSH to the performing venue like half an hour earlier, and then y'know what we do there? We stoned for half an hour :) Thanks lor. I'm sure if we actually went down like fifteen minutes later, we could have more time to polish up our dance to make it better. I mean like, stoning for a half an hour seriously won't help at all. This is a total waste of time. Plus, if we went down fifteen minutes later, we would still reach the venue like fifteen minutes before time. It's not as if we're uncontactable or anything. Really really don't understand this whole lousy planning of time. Anyway, please remind me, I wanna appeal to the Principal or someone else, about the school rules. I'm gonna make sure my ear studs get approved (Well, I don't think it's not approved. It fits the Code of Conduct. It's of geometrical shape and it's not fanciful. I just want to school to tell the teachers that this kind of studs are really normal.) I really don't see in what way are they fanciful. They're just round, like HELLO, IT'S A CIRCLE DUDE?? I actually went to buy a normal looking stud just for school ok. You think I got nothing else better to do? If I can wear metal studs, I would have totally wore my turqiose one and you think it's so easy to find plastic studs that are plain looking? If I totally heck cared the rules, I would have wore my surgery steel and plastic earings that I bought just for my ultra-sensitive ears but the shape is not approved like DUH. The school should also think about people with sensitive ears can. Wtf. I'm damn bloody pissed already lor. Don't tell me,"Oh, you have sensitive ears, so don't pierce your ears lah." I effing, won't buy that bullshit reason. Oh, I've got a sensitive neck, so I shan't wear a stinking tie. Kkthxbye. Should I waste my time and let you lead me on and on?
I go ooh ooh, you go ah ah lalalalalalalala lalalalalalalala I wanna wanna wanna get get get what I want Don't stop Give me give me give me what you got got Cause I can't wait wait wait any more more more more Don't even talk about the consequence Cause right now you're the only thing that's making any sense to me And I don't give a damn what they say, what they think think Cause you're the only one who's on my mind I'll never ever let you leave me I'll try to stop time for ever, never wanna hear you say goodbye (bye bye bye) I feel so untouched And I want you so much That I just can't resist you It's not enough to say that I miss you I feel so untouched right now Need you so much somehow I can't forget you I've gone crazy from the moment I met you Untouched And I need you so much See you, breathe you, I want to be you Alalalala alalalala You can take take take take take time time To live live the way you gotta gotta live your life Give me give me give me all of you you Don't be scared I'll see you through the loneliness of one more more more Don't even think about what's right or wrong, wrong or right 'Cause in the end it's only you and me and no one else is gonna be around To answer all the questions left behind And you and I are meant to be so even if the world falls down today You've still got me to hold you up up And I will never let you down (down) I feel so untouched And I want you so much That I just can't resist you It's not enough to say that I miss you I feel so untouched right now Need you so much somehow I can't forget you I've gone crazy from the moment I met you Untouched, untouched, untouched, untouched, untouched Alalalala alalalala Untouched Alalalala alalalala I feel so untouched And I want you so much That I just can't resist you It's not enough to say that I miss you I feel so untouched right now Need you so much somehow I can't forget you I've gone crazy from the moment I met you I feel so untouched And I want you so much That I just can't resist you It's not enough to say that I miss you I feel so untouched right now Need you so much somehow I can't forget you I've gone crazy from the moment I met you Untouched, untouched, untouched I've opened the letter, that I wrote to myself less than a year ago. 16 April 2008, to be exact. It's quite obvious that I was still playful, not serious about stuff, from what I've written on my envelope. PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL (OPEN IT & I'LL SMACK YOUR ASS) TO: HUIEN (HEHE) :D -ADDRESS- IF UNDELIVERED, PLEASE SEND IT TO -ADDRESS- THANKS, :D 16APRIL2008 I must say, I felt a sense of '!?!?!' overwhelming me, like, suddenly, some things just flashed back to my mind. It read HELLO! :D I can't win your losing fight, all the time.
I am perfectly normal and straight :DYea, ok, maybe not. I'm starting to waver a bit. God, Dani from A Shot At Love Season 1 is like so nice. She's like so mature, understanding and cool and perfect :D I love English tuition lessons, and especially now, it's like me and Ms Ho, interacting while the rest of the class listens on and laughs (if it's funny) But sadly (maybe not), I'm going to JC class, like this week. (Sunday is the start of the week) It's weird though, like when I was in Year 3 I attended the Sec 4 class (Same as bro) and now here I am, off to the JC class. I'm godamnit weird. I love talking to Ms Ho, it's like super nice, but its not that fun, when it's just me and her talking and everyone else just listens on. I thought last year Sec 4s were fun to be with. People like Hilary, Nicole and Filbert (They don't know me la, but they were like so prominent) Ms Ho was excitedly talking about prom, and her prom (Which was a big embarrassment) and she was like,"Girls, don't y'all feel excited!? Guys, y'all just won't understand how we girls feel!" And all the other girls all looked so dead and everything. So me, being enthu, decided to start talking (again) Me No, I wouldn't wanna wear a dress to prom actually. No actually correction, I wanna wear that suit-dress Katy Perry wore. Oh well. I have my reasons for saying why I wanna bring a girl as my date ok. I'm still perfectly straight, not yet curvy. Or maybe not that curvy. Anyway, this is so cool. EXpect A Miracle Soon! Ok, maybe not. Well, I went to study and shop with Huiying after tuition. It's always so fun to be around her :D And I did my homework!! Tralalala. I'm feeling tingly. And I've been munching on loads of Subway cookies. More 'Subway' cookies tomorrow! (And a treat for Year 4 dancers, CK and Bitches) 'Tis the season to grow fat, fatter, fattest. Hello, with all that ba kua, keropok, prawn rolls, pineapple tarts, cornflake cookies, raisin cookies etc, I see how you don't grow fat ah! LA Summary (Untouched, HELLO I'm really going to be dependent on Ms Ho to pass my LA and not Miss Yee this year. This freaking cursed year!!), Chengyu Test, CNY Deco, Class Blog design. OVERWHELMING!!!!! We belong together like traffic and weather.
I'm so addicted to drums that I start hitting those drum beats wherever I go and I've got my 'drumsticks'! I swear I'm so crazy, and I'm trying to figure out the beats for other songs.Aren't they like so cute? Hahaha, and they totally match with my Hello Kitty 'pencil case', which is actually this random bag. Hahahaha. I wanted to say 'sack of potatoes'. It sounds cool. :D :D :D After school, I was like super busy!! Omg. Ok, well, everyone was super busy. I went to the Dance Studio, put my bag down, ate my Pocky lunch and did like a little of Matrices, when CK and Vanessa C. came in. We went to find Mr Ken (Since I was bored and lonely so I decided to tag along) and it just felt weird. Like they were all talking about drama-mama, and I was there standing and listening on as if I knew what was going on -_- Well but there was a part which I could communicate with them. And that's like the list of the Year 1 pupils that wanted to join EDS, we should have more boys, why people choose EDS, why we actually came to EDS. Like CK said he put EDS to escape from UG and Mr Harris was like,"We found talent in you!" And I said,"I don't even know how I got in." Hahaha. It's like so weird. I mean only 20 people can get into EDS and I, of all people, got chosen? Cool huh. Well but after that, I was busy running to second floor, to find the mirrors and didn't know where that room was (It was in some random unseen corner), and I ran up the stairs, all the way to 6th floor, and told CK I couldn't find the room!! And we ran all the way to second floor, moved the mirrors, took the lift to the 6th floor, and then went to get tables and chairs, and Vanessa T. passed me the canes, and I carried them into the lift, and took them to the 3rd floor, ran all the way to EDS room, took the radio out, passed it to XW, ran all the way back up to the 6th floor (O_O). Then we realised the laptop wasn't loud enough, so Wenting and I ran all the way to the hall, which was on the 2nd floor and we rushed back up back to the 6th floor. Siao right, this is worse than dance lor. I ran up and down like a grand total of 7 times. I think I lost a million pounds today. Audition was pretty cool, and I feel quite zibei now :( And I seriously can't do the indian dance for nuts!!! I was like doing the quick walking plus bunny part and I lost count, and started laughing and almost fell to the ground and I laughed all the way through and everyone found it amusing and started laughing also. Hahahaha. I can't danceeeeee!!!! Ok, with that, byebyebyebyebye. First you say you won't Then you say you will You keep me hanging on And we're not moving on I'm standing still, Jenny You got me on my knees, Jenny It's killing me The future plays it all night long.
Today was a good day!!! Best day of my life. The coolest day of my life. Words can't describe how great I'm feeling.Like y'know I'm probably on cloud nine ten eleven twelve and the list goes on. Well, of course, school wasn't part of the good day. I mean, c'mon, we had like 4 periods of Math, 3 periods of HCL, 2 periods of LA, 1 period of Physics. Nice numbers huh. I went to Huiying's house, and saw Marcus' grandmother (HAHAHA SIYIN!) Huiying, your family is like super cute. While eating the noodles her gmom cooked, I felt this feeling of love and warmness like overwhelming me. I mean like, I can't interact with my family, the way HY did, I don't actually like smile so happily over a simple meal, I don't make funny faces at my family members, I don't go around being 'mean' to enjoy the little pleasures of life. I don't know, being with HY just made me feel, like it's really a family. And Huiying started playing the guitar (I swear she's the coolest person I've ever met, y'all people had better be jealous), she made me sing along. So she was strumming 'Love Story' and I was singing really badly, and forgetting my lyrics. Hahahaha. But it's just so fun. We headed to the library to do some homework, and look at the range of Meg Cabot's books!!! (AHHH MEDIATOR SERIES!! I'VE GOT SO MANY MORE MC'S BOOKS TO READ!!!) The best part, was when we went to play the drums! I was like awe-struck, seeing her play the drums. I mean like hello, IT'S JUST SO COOL. She played many songs, like 'Jenny', 'Flipside', 'The Reason Why' by The Click Five; 'Decode', 'That's What You Get (When You Let Your Heart Win)', 'Fences' by Paramore and many many other songs. And she even taught me how to play this part of Jenny. From like before the chorus, till the end. It was so cool. I totally wanna learn the drums now. I don't think it's like a sudden thought because I've been wanting to learn the drums since forever, and I actually like do random beats before I sleep (last time) and having to try out them today, just made me wanna learn it even more!! I'm motivated to study hard, then end of the year, I'll go work, earn money, and learn drums! Independence, baby! 'Great DJ' by The Ting Tings totally describe my feelings now! And nothin' but the girls Ah, ah, ahh, ahh, ah, ah, ah, ah And the boys Ah, ah, ahh, ahh, ah, ah, ah, ah And the strings Ee, ee, eee, eee, ee, ee, ee, ee and the drums the drums the drums the drums the drums the drums the drums the drums the drums the drums the drums the drums the drums the drums the drums the drums the drums the drums the drums the drums Everything that I experienced today, just felt so surreal. And I'm not deaf yet. I blasted music on the way home. Probably annoyed the person sitting beside me. They're really giving me the eye.
All we did for PE today was to listen to Mr Tan talk. Hahaha. 1 full hour leh!!! Then we all got damn bored X_XAnd we changed our seating plan! Like finally. So I emailed to Mr Yap saying that I wanted to sit with Deborah in the second row and lucky me got what I want!! (See, the amazing power of LCB!!) There's Justin on my left and Teresa on Deborah's right. So it's like | Justin | Me | Deborah | Teresa | Justin is always near me somehow. Like start of last year, I was diagonally behind him. Then after that diagonally infront then some random changes. And end of last year, we either chose Mr Yap's seating plan or the random numbers thing, which we chose the latter, and I sat beside Terence. But the original plan was that I was supposed to be beside him. After 1 half hours of sitting beside him, all I can conclude is. He's damn noisy. We were watching the Geog video, then I thought he was laughing or something, because he sounded like he was laughing, so I turned around and stared at him and he was like normal breathing but there was still this 'laughing' sound (Not like HAHAHA, but a bit like quiet laughter with the air coming out of your nose). And I turned to Deborah and said,"He's damn noisy!!!!" Weird kid. During the powerpoint slides, there were those dinosaurs thing, then Deborah and I concluded that there was one that looked like Justin so were laughing like crap. Turn to Justin Take my tears they're gonna break me.
Los Angeles's so far And the urge to kill is near They act like they're not scared, no They'll be calling soon Woh oh oh oh Woh oh oh oh Woh oh oh Woh oh oh Take my tears they're gonna break me Woh oh oh Woh oh oh Now I'm sure I can't wear a warning At the drive-in, blue Lorenza The urge it disappears She lives to dance at Mason's bar Every last night to Prince's kisses And the vultures scream Woh oh oh oh Woh oh oh oh Woh oh oh Woh oh oh Take my tears they're gonna break me Woh oh oh Woh oh oh Now I'm sure I can't wear a warning And all those times I went to see her dance I forgot to think So hard to get somewhere To be her man To be her man To be her man Damn's she kills me Woh oh oh Woh oh oh Take my tears they're gonna break me Woh oh oh Woh oh oh And I'm sure you could wear a warning Woh oh oh Woh oh oh Take my tears they're gonna break me Woh oh oh Woh oh oh Finally done with watching A Shot At Love with Tila Tequila 2. You can like totally watch it on the MTV website. Hahaha, the ending (One Shot Too Many) was good! I mean, it ended with a pretty bad note, with Tila kicking up a big fuss and just because she can't win the arguement with Kristy, all she does was to whine to the host (Who obviously sided with Kristy) and then just stomps out of the film set saying,"Shut your f-ing trash, you bitch." I can't stand her attitude la, damn shitty. But Kristy rocked to the maximum :D I like her last lines,"You want the truth? She's a bitch!" Hahahaha. I'm very amused, apparently. Brittany and Sirbrina should totally get together. I think Brittany is so hot. ![]() Creepy Kyle. I thought he looked the best but his stalkerish antics were pretty creepy -_- ![]() Brittany. I think she's like so pretty!! :D ![]() Kristy. With the amazing figure. ![]() I thought Lili was pretty, with that emo look but a pity, she got booted out on the first night, for making out with Serenity. She looked better in the video than in this picture. I think I'm quite emotionally balanced now. Plus after what Mr Kiw said about certain stuff, I felt somewhat better (Surprisingly). I really don't want history to repeat itself again. Like what happened for YQ and I. This time, I really gonna take charge of my feelings. And I totally wanna go to some other JC next year. Mum sounds pretty supportive about my decision, which I suddenly mentioned to her this morning. Like I wanted to go to VJ or something. Whatever happens, I'm going to leave this place, which holds all the best and worse memories. It sucks to see myself going through the phase of 'repeating pri school' again. Your inspiration is the loss of absolutely everything.
Today was a pretty good day, excluding all the studying parts, which made up more than half of the day. It's good that I'm not so emotional anymore. I should stop being a wreck or whatever you call it and just get the hell on with life.But I swear the hot fudge made my day worse 2 days ago!!! I'M SO SURE OF IT!!! Everything was normal I guess. Maybe it will come back again, I don't think I can snap out of this whole thing that quickly. Because this time, it's really different from the past. I'm still holding on to something that'd never happen. How sad. Yea well, I guess school's boring as usual. I actually stayed awake for the first Geog lesson of 2009!! Perhaps I will continue keeping up with the good work because physical geog seems interesting (Mind you, I forgot every single thing I've learn in Year1&2 because I slept through every Geog lesson. I really wonder how did I manage to not fail that badly..) I've got so many things to do!! Hahaha. But I'm happy :D I guess I'll continue staying happy for quite a while. I'm so random, and you probably don't get what I'm saying. Dance practise was good, though tiring. And I think I whatever-you-call it my muscle/ligament or zzz, my left thigh is aching :( I think we might just be off to a good start. I'm starting to get used to climbing up to the 5th/6th floor, which is like 15/18 flights of stairs, considering that between every level, there are 3 flights of stairs. Scary huh. But nevermind!!! It can help stretch my legs, then I'll get even longer legs, and much slimmer thighs!! That's something good right!!! Next time, during Gym training, I can skip all those frog jumps. Bwahaha. I think Justin is so HAHA. I don't know, he's just dumb. I saw him in his gay pants while leaving the school today and I was like, eeew. Me You look effing gay in your school pants.. -.- Byebyebyebye. OFF TO DRAW DRAW DRAW. BUT I'VE GOT NO INSPIRATION. DANG. (I don't exactly wanna start on homework now, THOUGH I HAVE TOOOOOOO!!!) Shall have an early night and sleep later tomorrow :D 也许时间是一种解药,也是我现在正服下的毒药。
Hot fudge makes my whole system go haywire. I swear I was on the verge of becoming unwell last night because under the same usual fan speed, I was freezing like crap. And the bad dream didn't really help much, I guess. I couldn't sleep for a while in the morning. Well, thankfully I don't really like hot fudge so I guess I won't feel the pain or anything. Strawberry Sundae rocks so much more than Hot Fudge Sundae!!!Thanks Bryan :) For making me feel better, and telling me to take care. You're a great gson. Hahaha. (Yes, I should stop thanking people but THANKS dude) I'm feeling horrible as usual. There's an extension for HCL homework. Finally one less burden but I'm gonna work hard. Perhaps time is a kind of cure, It is also the poison I am taking right now. It's not real, it's all in your head.
My head hurts like f. I think it's due to the hot fudge. I don't know. The last time I had hot fudge (2 years ago), I felt the same and fell sick. Omgosh. I want to totally fall sick now, so I can do my homework or something. I feel so horrible. My head is so heavy, and I wanna just hit the bed and sleep.EDS rocks your smelly socks! We are the best man! I pinned up my fringe. Laugh, laugh all you want. I know I look zzz but whatever. My forehead could breathe, for one day. Maybe tomorrow, I won't pin it up anymore. Everything was super rushed, our first performance was prolly quite screwed. But it got better and better. And we didn't dance 12 times. It was reduced to 7 :D Haha. I can't smile when I dance lor!!! Because I think to smile, while dancing to 'Gimme More' and 'He Said She Said', is a bit weird. You are supposed to be sexy, so you can't smile until like :D I don't know la. My head is spinning. But we are such a fun CCA man. When there were no classes around, we started to dance our other dances and we got super high and suddenly, we all got so tired that it probably sucked during the last show for E&F. Hahaha, I had to keep sliding down to the floor. And my feet were like super dirty. Eek. Plus JJ had to carry the yellow chair around, wherever he went. He makes a good SC apparently. I've never seen him so serious in my entire life before. THANKS MAUREEN AND YOUR MUM FOR THE LOVELY LUNCH Y'ALL PROVIDED! THANKS MS KOH FOR THE DESSERT! THANKS XINWEI, FOR PAYING FOR THE SWENSEN'S ICE-CREAM FIRST. AND WE ALL SUCK. WE CAN'T TIE KNOTS WITH THE CHERRY STALKS. HAHAHAHA. First Maureen tried, then failed. So she cleaned it, then I took it and she was like,"Omg! We're indirectly frenching!" That made me laugh uncontrollably and my tongue got tired after a while so I took it out and gave it to XW (I cleaned it thoroughly ok!) and she's such a cheaterbuggy. Zzz, she used her fingers to tie -_- From Siyin Xinwei Maureen and me were like singing love story out loud and then we went like 'Romeo take me someone we can be alone, I'll be waiting all there's left to do is run. You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess, it's a love story, baby just say yes.' (recalling from memory so not sure if correct ._.) then Sanpeng made all the drama peeps go like 'YES LA OKAY LA' SEE I TOLD YOU WE TOTALLY ROCK. Ok, head hurts hurts hurts like fffffffffff. Ahhhhhh :( So baby don't make a move because I'm coming for you.
Omg sandcastle building, was just so. Unexplainable.All I can say is I got a horrible uneven tan. I'm darker on my right hand side. Think yingyang. Ok, maybe not so bad. It's more of red but it'll probably go off tomorrow or something. The sand was infested with red ants. I got bitten :( We were taught how to use certain tools, and I thought it was super difficult to cut steps or something, when I realised, you have a mould to do so -_- So it's not THAT difficult to do Dillon's 101 or 1001 steps. Zzz. There was this instructor that kept hovering around RX and I. And it was like super scary -_- I was like super zzz already because of all the sand. I don't exactly enjoy seawater and sand on my legs yea then he was looking at us building the castles and everything, teaching us etc. And here goes the conversation He Y'all Year what?? I should have totally asked,"Are you trying to hit on us?" Maybe he'll go away because he started telling RX that she could come on Saturdays and Sundays to build sandcastles, and he can teach. Horrible horrible. The sun heated my whole head, I swear I could use a hair straightener without electricity and get my hair straight in the middle of the beach. Our YOG village looks more like Disneyland :D Woohoo. Our heart-shaped golf course looks like a chocolate cake -_- After the whole sand thing, which made us looked like escavation workers of some sort, EDS Comm went for lunch and packing! Lunch at Pastamania! at PP. Omgomgomg, there was this horrible kid that did something and ended up breaking the salt and chilli bottles. And the worst thing was, HE'S SO UNREPENTANT!!! Hate kids. Tsktsk. Kid (Telling Mum) You did it! Wlao, I'll slap my kid man, if he/she did that. But he/she'll never ever get the chance to break bottles in public places. I swear. Poor CK, he had to buy 300g of Famous Amos cookies for Maureen and the original price was $12.10, but there was this buy at least 250g and get 50g free, so it became $10.35 and Maureen paid 35c. But hahaha, we kept koping from her :D And CK had to stone outside Chameleon and look at us girls buy hair rubberbands and hairclips. HAHAHA, Poor thing to be the only guy. Went back to school to unpack stuff and get ready for tomorrow's CCA orientation. We cleaned up EDS room and EDS room has never been so neat before (Because the costumes are all in the boxes) We wiped the dusty shelves, which were horrendously stacked with thick layers of dust (Ok la, not that bad) and I even had CK to remove the fan cover so I could wipe the fan. And thanks Vanehneh, for helping me wipe the fanblades and the other part of the fan! Maureen cut herself with a penknife, poor thing. It sucks lor. I can't remember how it feels like to get cut my a penknife. My first cut was like pretty huge, and there's this permanent scar. And my second cut was while cutting carrots, like this carving thing during some art lesson in China! -_- We started chatting and playing Scrabble! CK is such a LOLOL. He just kept adding one letter to a word that has already been formed. Haha. Wells, hanging out with the comm has always been so fun :D Went to Macs with CK, Van and Maureen and I was being disgusting as usual. Mixing the leftover sauces (Curry, Ketchup, Chilli and Mayo) and CK added pepper. Van tried it and said it was ok, but too salty. French fries in strawberry sundae is awesomezxzx!! I've got cool pictures of EDS! From Handover '08. Dance Heads. Treasurers. Secretaries. Heads of Welfare. Heads of Publicity. (I look bloody psychotic. HAHAHA!) Heads of Logistic. Vice-chairpersons. Chairpersons. New drama head (Vanessa C.) wasn't around :( Oh wells. Sanpeng :D Well ok, I'm like tired from all the building of castles and stairs, and bridges and carrying buckets of water. Whatever it is, good luck for all CCAs tomorrow. Better luck for EDS. Dancing 12 times is no joke! Hopefully your ankle gets well Maureen! THANKS FOR YOUR 8GB THUMBDRIVE SERENA. YOU ARE SO SCARY :O SO IS YOUR FATHER -_- THANKS CK FOR PRINTING OUT THE PICTURES!! YOU ROCK TO THE MAX DUDE!! THANKS EVERYONE FOR EVERYTHING LA!!!! (I FEEL LIKE THANKING PEOPLE TODAY!!) Thanks, sun, for my uneven tan. You suck :( FIGHT HUIYING! I LOVE YOU THE MAX!! Yeling: I'm not really used to the whole Year 3 turning Year 4 thing somehow!! I've been feeling so alone.
There may be some tantalizing social stuff going on, but you might not be able to take part in it. You have bigger fish to fry -- and fried they must be, by the end of the day! Your deadline has to come first right now, no matter how much you'd rather be off having fun. You are familiar with getting things done in a timely manner, so as long as you focus and stick to your task without stopping every five minutes to check your email or make a phone call, you'll be done sooner than you fear. Shit, so true lor. For all y'know, if I get super serious and do homework, I might just finish it on Wednesday (Even though it is impossible because I don't have time on Tuesday & Wednesday. ZZZ) It was DHS Chase today, and all I can say that, it's pretty fun. I mean, how wrong can such races be unless you have the most boring facils and lousiest uncooperative teammates right? Our facils are cool, like duper. They are Daniel, Samuel and Jingjie (Correct?). So some girl was 'kidnapped' and we had to find clues and stuff and everyone was given like a string of numbers and we started whipping out handphone to get the code and it was like super lame. LOL. Everyone was like, WHAT'S THE LAST WORD? And it was, muahaha. Nice one man -.- How funny. Oh my god can. I totally hate that clip with the three voices! The high voice was exceptionally irritating and we couldn't picture out the 3 faces and it turned out that because one of the mouth was upside down -_- Zzz! WTH!?!?! But we managed to solve it quite quickly and went to our next destination which was ECP. And there was this whole communication error plus problem thing, that wasted quite some time but we, kind of was leading. Well, it was a really tough fight with 4J. We then went to Raffles Place to look for the bigb lack bird sculpture and we had to do the chicken dance in front of it. Those people who were out there smoking suddenly turned around and looked at us dance. Hahaha, gay shit but fun nevertheless. We went for lunch at Macs and I swear today was kind of like my unlucky day. I was drinking Milo and I don't know how Milo came out from the stupid thing and spilled over my Crumpler and shirt! So gross, it kinda like stinks and there's a faint stain on my bag :( I'm so gonna wash it, even though it has been washed like really recently.. And I did the stupidest thing ever!!! Y'know we've got to clear our trays after eating, so you put your tray into the thing and shake your rubbish off then put your tray at the top right? I DUMPED THE WHOLE THING IN. Yes, with the tray. And I actually didn't realise it, until my empty hand came out and I was wondering,"Something like missing leh? What did I forget?" And when I saw Deborah's shocked face, I suddenly remembered that I forgot about the tray -_- And Deborah says that the woman dumps the rubbish bag away, without looking what's in it. OHMYGOD. Heck that. LOL. We continued to our next destination at Little India and we had to buy this snack, which nobody wanted to eat. IT'S LIKE SWEET AND OILY but it didn't taste THAT bad. So yea, still quite edible. We rushed to Orchard after that, and Daniel asked if alighting at Somerset would be faster to go to Paragon or Orchard. So I called Bro and he was like,"Uh Somerset." Then I said, auntily, as usual,"SOMERSET AH!?!" and quite a few people chionged out at Somerset. Then he was like,"Nonono, I think is Orchard." And I shouted (unglamly, DUH!),"Come back!!!!" LOL. If we get separated, we'll end up like that class at Dhoby Gaut. That one's like damn suay. Well, we took a shorter route to Paragon and snapped pictures of those 'bronze' thingies, in front of Paragon, that had fruits images in it. We then went to Botanical Gardens (Which was the final destination) from there. We knew that BG was the final destination at our first station but apparently, some people guessed it too early to they removed the 'skip other stations' thing. Oh well, we went there just to untie knots!!! Thankfully we had Terence, the person who loves tying and untying knots! Hahaha :D Rushed all the way back to school. Sitting on Bus 7 was sheer torture. I was super tired and just slept throughout the bus journey. When we reached the bus stop opposite school, Samuel just dashed across the road and he almost got knocked down!! I swear it's super scary!! If the driver didn't brake in time, he would have totally flew and landed in front of the school gates or something. I think that road is curse lor!!! I ALMOST DIED THERE TOO EVEN THOUGH I WAS CROSSING WHEN IT WAS STILL 11 SECONDS!! OHMYGOD X_X We still had to go round the school to search for clues, like the date, time and the kidnapper plus the motive. I think the motive is like the stupidest thing ever. He kidnapped the girl because he found her too noisy. !?!?!?! Makes no sense right. And she was quarrelling with the friend so why he never kidnap the friend as well -_- When we had to interrogate the 3 main suspects, it was like super funny. I'm so sure I'll never be a forensics officer or detective in my whole life. I was asking super retarded questions. Then when questioning the real kidnapper, I was like,"What were you doing at 10pm?" and he replied,"I was waiting for my shift." And I asked back,"I never said which day, how you know which day I'm talking about?" HAHAHA, I'M SO SMART :D :D :D Well, we were the Top 20 and Janson said that the 2 other groups were Top 10 and Top 15 so the chances of us winning were like pretty high and it all depends on our Leadership picture. RX's group picture won so we won 4G by just 2 minutes :D Hahahaha. Actually 2 minutes very marginal meh? I thought it was ok, it's not like seconds or milliseconds difference, y'know, that kind of thing? I guess we all had fun, how unbelievable that 4F actually won something! Bahaha, I'm so happy. Charlie and Robert die and Mr Paul pwns Chen Xi to the max! HE KNELT DOWN AND PROPOSE AND BAKED A CAKE FOR HER! SO SWEET CAN. Byebye! P.S. Omg, I hope one of those facils can chance on this blog or something because I want the pictures that we took :( :( Vanessa: Tsk :( MY HAIR WILL GROW LONGLONG ONE DAY! But I like it now, because it's so light and airy. LOL :D Helena: Hahaha, thanks again! |