Never thought not having you here now would hurt so much.
Pictures from Danzage! (Well only 2 but.....)
  Love how my hair looks (Sorry can't help it but I feel really rock chick and my hair looks pretty brown on top :D) Dude, I'm not going for fishing.
And yes, I think tongues are gonna wag. Probably say I'm a slut/whore/prostitute or something because of fishnets.
Well, I said, I think.
 Thanks wifey for your fishnets and wrist thingy! Love them alot :D It added to the rock chick look I was planning to have. So muacks :D
I wish you were here with me tonight.
I remember the times we spent together on those drives We had a million questions all about our lives And when we got to New York everything felt right I wish you were here with me Tonight
I remember the days we spent together were not enough And it used to feel like dreamin' except we always woke up Never thought not having you here now would hurt so much
Tonight I've fallen and I can't get up I need your loving hands to come and pick me up And every night I miss you I can just look up And know the stars are Holdin' you, holdin' you, holdin' you tonight
I remember the time you told me about when you were eight And all those things you said that night that just couldn't wait I remember the car you were last seen in and the games we would play All the times we spilled our coffees and stayed out way too late
I remember the time you sat and told me about your Jesus And how not to look back even if no one believes us When it hurt so bad sometimes not having you here
I sing, "Tonight I've fallen and I can't get up I need your loving hands to come and pick me up And every night I miss you I can just look up And know the stars are Holdin' you, holdin' you, holdin' you tonight"
I sing, "Tonight I've fallen and I can't get up I need your loving hands to come and pick me up And every night I miss you I can just look up And know the stars are Holdin' you, holdin' you, holdin' you tonight"
Open House was, pretty much screwed but ok. Well, it's the first (and last) JH Open House I've attended. We were like late for all 3 shows (-__- POW WOW) but it's ok. It's cool to be late. Fashionably late.
By the way, I was just kidding.
Even though my MBTI says I'm perceiving, I'm mostly on time or earlier. Like seriously, being late is one of the few things I'm afraid of. So yea.
Well, Danzage was great :D Really like D'MVMT. Just one thing holding me back though. Am really spoilt for choices for SH CCAs (Don't even know if can get promoted or not).
I really want to continue dancing but I want to join Music Society :(
Actually, I really like Modern Dance but I can't imagine myself being all flowy and doing splits and what nots. I mean like, that's not me?
Ah whatever.
I like hot milo.
Tonight I've fallen and I can't get up I need your loving hands to come and pick me up And every night I miss you I can just look up And know the stars are Holdin' you, holdin' you, holdin' you tonight
.: Hi? Deborah: LOL! I thought none of you were going o_o You're supporting who?
I want nobody, nobody but you.
I'm excited and tired. Oh no :(
Busy busy this week. And Fabian is leaving us on Friday. He's really cool, like seriously, he's nice (Even though I don't really get what he's teaching, maybe only Alcohols).
Many things to look forward to! Danzage, RX's birthday, Band concert etc.
My acute stomach pain is still there, seriously it doesn't feel like I overstrained myself or something. Feels weird. And I haven't been taking my medicine :O
Went grocery shopping with wifey today :D I'm really proud of her, and I think she'll make like a totally great housewife. Like seriously! (Looking forward to her cooking, if she's bringing any tomorrow :P)
I seriously want to learn the Nobody dance. (Sorry la, people lag cannot is it -_-)
'Cause your words don't translate, and it's getting quite late.
Things I'll never say.
I'm sorry.
'Cause I need you more than just for tonight.
Sorry baby!
I thought the flowers and balloons were like the combined Bitch effort thingy. But y'know what, thanks hun! Cos those balloons were really cute! (And I hope you had a meaningful enjoyable 100 days. Hoped he like the sketchbook even though........)
I hoped everyone like the 'Opening' playlist. HAHAHA. Songs that were used in the past few EDS Nights, and super high songs like, Ultraviolet, Great DJ, Good Day, Friday Night. AWESOMEZXZX!
EDS Night was a total blast, I ended up taking pictures of everyone else instead. AND IT'S MY LAST EDS NIGHT (Gosh, what the hell was I thinking) I didn't take pictures with all my friends! Sigh.
I'm glad, that I managed to get a few primary school friends to watch it, and selling 21 tickets (Though not alot) was really a great satisfaction. I managed to get a large number of classmates, and good friends, and family members.
Thanks for everything. The presence of these 21 people, really made my night. And it will continue to do so for the rest of my days.
Of course, the presence of others, who didn't buy from me, were as equally meaningful and touching.
It's so beautiful it makes you wanna cry
I'm really looking forward to a well-deserved break. And then get my engines all oiled up and get ready to be a senior!
My stomach is better now, doctor says I probably overstrained myself or something. I rejected the opportunity to get an MC.
My mouth and throat is prolly full of ulcers! It's burning! (And I'm eating chocolates and cookies) Subway cookies, yummum :D
June holidays is gonna be an exciting one! Secret agent's birthday, Class outing, SWEET 16 (I hope nobody screws it up), etc.
 JJ and I (How contrasting)  Flowers, check. Subway cookie, check. Balloons, check.  Love my bitches :D  Sunshine Sinyee and Happy Huien! :D  With Sumei :D  I look like a maid. Great.  With Kok. (I'M WEARING SHORTS K) 
I don't want this to end.
Just kept saying,"It's over! It's over!"
Thanks to all who came for EDS Night because you guys were seriously a wonderful audience. (I think I just burst my phonebill by smsing countless of people, thanking them for coming)
  From Rachel  From Bitches! :D (FAVOURITE FLOWERS!!! :D)  From Shikai. (I was nice enough to choose small bunch :D)  From Justin/Stephen.  From Angela! My house looks like a nursery now :)
See me in the orbituaries tomorow people! I've been having an acute stomachache for 41 hours.
Baby can't you see? You belong with me.
I feel really bad, for not being able to be there for the guys (like the other girls), to be there for the whole match, to be only there for the first few minutes. But I'm glad I gave it my all in the cheering, I risk getting killed (By anyone, because I'm not supposed to be outside), I'm glad, I screamed like a crazy idiot, made myself look like a fool, because it's worth it.
Y'know, it feels good, just to sit there and cheer madly, and even though you hope to win and sometimes you do and sometimes you don't, the experience that you went through, actually means much more than anything else.
You may not win the final battle, but you won close relations. You win some, you lose some. That's part of life. I'm glad that I got a really cool bonded class. I really want to know what Janson said to you guys that made you (girls) cry.
Anyway, even though it was really tiring to run from PAC to the court, to and fro a few times, it was really fun and it's just unexplainable.
I pretty much heard what Janson said to the guys in class and stuff, and even though, our surprise didn't manage to be a surprise, but thanks for acting surprised :D
I really love 4Flipflop. During the rehearsal, I was like, since I can't support them, all I can do now, is to work hard, give all my best for EDS Night, since around 13+ people from our class is going. I think that's pretty much what I can do for the class?
 [4FLIPFLOP'09<3]   All the memories we shared are irreplaceable and unerasable :D
I think you and I should stay the same.
Excited! Scared! Nervous! Busy!
Finals tomorrow against G. It's gonna be really tough and exciting. Hopefully our gentlemanly guys can put up a good fight!
I love you guys, we've come so far. We cheered together, did crazy stuff together, so it's now or never!!! (I swear I'm such a fabulous poet, whatever) No matter what the outcome is, you guys will always be the champions because we know how much effort and sweat y'all have put for the past one year.
When y'all were training the girls last year, y'all started training as well. And it was even more intensive then our own training. You guys bonded really well, and if basketball is that common thing that brought our class closer together, I'm sure that one year was spent really well.
Go guys! 'Cos y'all rock and all the others just flop! :D
3 days to EDS Night.
Who still wanna buy EDS Night tickets?!?!?! It's better to be late than never! So grab them before you regret forever! Bring along your grandfather and grandmother! And you'll enjoy it like there's no other!
Ok whatever. (I'm so good at rhyming)
越煞车越停不下来, 反而越来越爱。
Great job guys :D Totally cheered like a madwoman today! (What if I lose my voice and can't talk on Saturday! LOL!)
I let chances slip by :( Quite horrible but it's ok. I'm glad you felt it. (Hopefully you meant it)
Horrible, I can't support the guys in their crucial match!!! Angry manzxzxzx.
It's good to talk about your problems! HAHAHA. I feel so goooooooood. Except for a weird throat.
I wanna eat B&J ice-cream. HOHOHO :D
I hold my breath because you were perfect.
Feeling jittery. And I ARE PRO :D
I sold an EDS Night ticket in less than 3 minutes during Aspen.
Me: Eh Wenzhong, -smiles widely, d'you want to go for EDS Night? Wenzhong: Maybe, who's going? Me: Junjie, Dillon, Terence, Leon, Charlene, Teresa, Serena, Ruixin, Deborah.... Wenzhong: Oh ok then. Me: -Turns to Xinwei HAHAHA, I JUST SOLD A TICKET!
HAHAHAHA, I think I'm so funny. I behave super crazily when I'm with Huiying :D Hardly is normal. Because I think I always say the funniest/wittiest/stupidest things whenever she's around. Somehow, my mind can think in a very weird way. Like how I was telling her about me standing in front of the Watson's automated door, happily thinking it would open but it didn't, and I continued standing there and people were staring at me.
$19.80/$18.90!!! GOSH, WHY SO EX. I THOUGHT IT WOULD BE LESS THAN $10 :( ZZZZ. Don't wanna buy already.
6 DAYS TO EDS NIGHT :D (Mummy told me that the plays are interesting! And she actually understands them. Brilliant! I had to watch 'Touch With Fire' 3 times to understand the full story man)
During Strings concert yesterday, Mum: Can we buy bouquet of flowers and go up to the stage and give ah? Me: Feeling damn shocked and happy because I was thinking,"Wah, Mummy so nice this year! BOUQUET OF FLOWERS! Uh, can give at the end I think? Mum: Ohhh, I want to give Mr Ken! Me: HUH? FOR WHAT! Mum: He worked so hard for EDS Night...............
Zzzz. What!?!?!?! LOLOL.
Until I saw the stranger that was you.
In the halls you pass me by Without a hello, without a goodbye No second glance my way Forgotten like yesterday You took my heart, ripped it in half You took my smiles, my childhood laughs No more smiles on my face No more chances in this race I'm never going to be that girl Who smiles in her perfect world When will you see that I love you? Your smile, laugh and crazy hairdos When you turn around, I won't be there Took you so long to see that I care In the halls I pass you by My favourite hello and hardest goodbye
Silence DogoodStrings was awesome. Like really nice. And the encore was like damn cute please! It's just so amusing and they're such a crowdteaser. But somehow, when it was nearing the end, I just felt this sense of dread like, when the performance is over, the year 4s CCA lives just end like this.
I want a beautiful ending. But hope higher, fall harder. I don't seem to learn from the countless lessons I've had.
Dance was super high today, hopefully I can continue pushing myself and become like, really strong (As in stamina).
GO EDS! :D (I don't wanna cry on the stage)
Here's to everything, coming down to nothing.
Baby what happened? Tell me please 'Cause one second it was perfect Now you're halfway out the door
I looked into your eyes Thought I knew you for a minute Now I'm not so sure
So here's to everything, coming down to nothing Here's to silence, that cuts me to the core Where is this going? Thought I knew you for a minute But I don't anymore
You were supposed to be the one that understands me the most but now I realised how much you don't know me at all.
So all I can do is to be a fake ass bitch and hide it all. Isn't it better? Sometimes, maybe being the good person might hurt badly, but as long as y'know you're doing it for a good cause, why not? Even if it means going through the same torture constantly.
And the one who truly understands me, turns out to be someone that I shouldn't even be talking to.
What's wrong with me?
Everything was just perfect a few days back, and now, it just doesn't seem so anymore.
Temporary highs. I never seem satisfied.
There's no easy way to say goodbye, so baby just say goodnight....
You don't need me, the way I need you. I'm so tempted to just end everything, just like that. But I know I'll regret. Maybe hurting myself more would be better instead.
You just don't know where things are heading. You just don't know how scary I can be (You too).
There's a not a thing you know about me. At all.
 It's so hard to smile from within the heart.
才发觉在我心间, 有回忆碎片, 一作梦翻身, 就刺痛流血。
连你都会残忍隔绝 我的心能要谁了解 眼中烛光摇晃着熄灭 为何把我推向边缘 被砸坏了的一切 卡住了我让我无法往前
囚禁在距离笑声最远的房间 单独隔离 寂寞地盘旋
全世界都停了电 全世界都封了街 我所有窗子外面 被贴上黑夜 我呐喊思念 却没人听见 绝望到极点剩的是疲倦 全世界都停了电 全世界白雪满天 才发觉在我心间 有回忆碎片 一作梦翻身 就刺痛流血 我卷着身体缩成一个圈 像一个句点
连你都会残忍隔绝 我的心能要谁了解 眼中烛光摇晃着熄灭 为何把我推向边缘 被砸坏了的一切 卡住了我让我无法往前
囚禁在距离笑声最远的房间 单独隔离 寂寞地盘旋
全世界都停了电 全世界都封了街 我所有窗子外面 被贴上黑夜 我呐喊思念 却没人听见 绝望到极点剩的是疲倦 全世界都停了电 全世界白雪满天 才发觉在我心间 有回忆碎片 一作梦翻身 就刺痛流血 我卷着身体缩成一个圈 像一个句点
Why does this have to happen every time?
I'm just going back to who I am before. I don't want to. I'm trying so hard to fight it.
I really can't do this anymore.
I don't like who I've become. I can't help it.
I'm a fake ass bitch.
Fisheyes tomorrow.
I don't want to lose what I already have. Why do things always have to be like this? Or rather why am I like this?
My oh my what a wonderful day.
Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah, Zip-A-Dee-A My oh my what a wonderful day :D Plenty of sunshine heading my way Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah, Zip-A-Dee-A!
Did the craziest thing ever (No, maybe not, but crazy still)
:$ :$ :$ :$ :D :D :D :D :) :) :) :) HEHEHEHEHEHEHE
Ok, do this! LOL Quiz on FB.
Only Bro and Tess passed. LOL. Bro is cheaterbuggy too. He took again then got 100% but, still, not bad. 100%. LOL.
Am damn tired :( Why isn't the busy-week-syndrome going away????
Our song is the slamming screen door Sneakin' out late, tapping on your window When you're on the phone and you talk real slow 'Cause it's late and your mama don't know
Our song is the way you laugh The first date, man, I didn't kiss her and I should have And when I got home, 'fore I said 'Amen' Asking God if He could play it again
I'm not slacking really. I'm finding my points for PW. Just suddenly felt a surge of happiness.
What is it with you it makes me act like this?
Tired but it's worth it :) I know. Slept at 2am for the past few days. It really is worth it.
Awkward silence but it's unforgettable.
Walking on heels never felt tiring today. Maybe it's meant to be. I could get used to this.
With you it all comes naturally.
I forgot to say out loud, how beautiful you really are to me.
Giorgio Armani underwear. Guys should really learn to cover up a bit. Or maybe that dude was just trying to show off that he's 'rich'. God, he had belly hair. And what's up with his Armani phone?
I'm really hungrrrrrry. (Serves me right for not finishing my food D:)
I don't know what to think.
CS concert was pretty good actually, excluding the part whereby I didn't understand the Beijing Opera. I liked the Xiang Shengs, those never fail to crack me up.
Have got a new found respect for Ce Ce. LOL.
My hands are aching from writing at more 1,250 word essay. Congratulate me. I'm feeling pretty much accomplished now. I shouldn't hope to high, probably will fall more.
Just let nature take it's course I guess, it doesn't really matter if people don't appreciate what you do for them anymore.. Maybe?
I won't expect anything from you :)
We even got a secret handshake.
Suddenly, I'm dreading everything. This week has been a super busy week. I'm excited nervous happy whatever, but at the same time, there's this tide of dread that's about to hit me. Might breakdown anytime soon.
Seems like everything this year ain't gonna be as good as the past. It's quite saddening at the thought of that. But then again, nobody said it was going to be good.
2 weeks. Just 14 days.
Maybe I'm just not cut out for studying. Why the hell am I even in this school anyway?
Maybe I should get used to it then maybe it won't feel so horrible anymore. I've got no rights to be feeling like this anyway.
You're the only thing that keeps me motivated. I wonder how long will this last.
What am I supposed to do, when my CCA life is over?
School was never meant as studying for me. It was more of CCA. Hung on so long for CCA. I just wanna make EDS Night the best out of it.
Somehow, listening to 'Love Story' just made me cried. I've became a hopeless romantic. I know, for sure.
I wanna eat keropok. Actually, Marks & Spencers Chocolate Chip Cookies are delicious :D :D :D
I don't want anything more, than to see your face when you open the door.
Heart to heart talk today I guess. Discussed a little of poster with wifey and ended up sleeping when she went off to toilet. Then we slept together. LOL.
Sometimes I feel pretty much useless. Your looks just make me feel uneasy. I don't know. It's a horrible feeling anyway.
Someone called. And after that, I just felt like, maybe we aren't appreciating those around us enough. Maybe we're taking their existence for granted. You never know how much someone care for you until someone else tells you so. But it's better than waiting till the person departs then you realise how much they care for you. No matter how mean some people may be to you but sometimes, some of them are the way they are because out of love and care. While some people may be nice, but they just want to see the way you fail and then laugh at you.
I just wanna be happy for this week. Just this week, and EDS Night.
Everything will then be over.
 Hearts wifey :)  I wish I could be like Little Miss Sunshine (Without all the freckles of course)
I close my eyes and the flashback starts.
This week is one hell of a busy week. So many things to do, so little time!
I'm feeling pretty helpless and lost. It's quite a horrible feeling because I've never felt so lost and horrible before.
And finally, my dreams last night had like some colours, and soon after, it's all black and white again. Or maybe I always dream in colours but I never remember what they were.
Playing volleyball was a little better this time round I guess. Still so embarrassing but better than before. And now that I've burst capillaries and have weird bruises on my hand, I look like an abused kid of some sort.
My hand looks like some ghost just pinched me or something :O
My serving sucks man. Like I miss the ball totally for like 99% of the time or something? Like I was happily swinging my hand and I'm like,"Eh? Where's the ball?" and turn around and see the ball drop behind me -_-
Nice one eh?
But it's ok, I managed to hit some balls. And talk about stoning and walking away from balls dropping from the sky. And I actually kept screaming when the balls came to me, plus Mr Yap (PE Teacher) was like,"You should scream longer."
Level Camp cancelled. Need I say more? Like let's totally look forward to pumping of 4 days of studies.
A: Shit 是不是脏话? B: 你觉得大便脏吗?
Our song is the way you laugh.
I don't know if it's just me, but when I first heard of the H1N1 (Pigs can fly, swine flew. Yes..........), I was like, this is obviously God's way of punishing humans for all the shit we've done
If not there's like K trying to create this virus to eliminate humans that are useless in this world. Sounds so typico L Change The World somehow.
Oh wells, I'm just praying hard it won't go 6 on the level thingy, it's like no matter how much I wanna miss school, I really don't want to end up missing Level Camp and EDS Night. It's our last year, I don't want to graduate from Junior High with any regrets.
You know, I really want EDS Night so so so badly that I totally said,"I really want EDS Night, even if it means having PTM, I just want EDS Night."
PTM would totally kill me, but I'd rather get killed than to kill this last performance in EDS. It's just so crucial. It's going to leave a beautiful mark of my JH CCA. I really want to make this performance a success.
Cross our fingers, hope for the best?
I no longer feel alone.
In case you saw me playing volleyball today and decided to think that I'm this big ass bimbo who wants to play volleyball but obviously can't because I hide from the ball, run away from it, complain that it's painful yada yada yada, whatever.
Volleyball totally makes me look like one hell of a bimbo that wants to play it yet obviously have got no talent for it.
Nobody will understand the fear I have for balls, especially volleyballs. Like dude, who the hell happily walks over to the ball to touch it for the first time and before laying her hands on it, one ball just smacked from high above right onto her head.
I'm afraid of floorball too. Like totally. Doesn't really help if you get smacked in the face.
Dude, it's not my fault, it's how I'm programmed to function.
I'm still a bitch by the way. I'm not a bimbo.
Everyone knows I don't even want to touch that ball. Ack.
You put your arm around my shoulder, and it was good the room got colder.
Neoprints from Deborah's birthday (and super long time ago, finally found the time to scan them)
Ok I'm so happy it's pretty much unexplainable. This week was really productive and fruitful! :D Like I spent a lot of time on project and stuff (I mean like, it beats wasting my life away in front of the computer, i.e. Facebook)
Am gonna continue working on my top secret project. HAHAHAHA.
Charlie's Angels. Ruixin's our agent/manager/whatever you call it. Because she totally looks like one. HAHAHAHA.
Top secret project nothing to do with them. Just suddenly thought of the Charlie's Angels and who am I again? Cameron Diaz.
(Feels like Totally Spies :D Love Sam :D :D :D)
Sheesh, I wanna watch X-Men all over again. I totally forgot the whole story?
Handsome Suite, X-Men Origin anyone?
(Can someone please tell me I'm dumb or stupid because I was happily waiting for Hotel For Dogs to come out and Wenting says it's probably over alrd -_- and I always thought it wasn't out yet all this while)
I can cut you into pieces, when my heart is broken.
I don't mind it I don't mind at all It's like You're the swing set And I'm the kid that falls It's like The way we fight The times I cry We come to blows And every night The passion's there So it's gotta be right Right?
No I don't believe you When you say don't come around here no more I won't remind you You said we wouldn't be apart No I don't believe you When you say you don't need me anymore So don't pretend to Not love me at all
I don't mind it I don't mind at all It's like One of those bad dreams when you can't wake up Looks like You've given up You've had enough But I want more No I won't stop 'Cause I just know You'll come around right Right?
No I don't believe you When you say don't come around here no more I won't remind you You said we wouldn't be apart No I don't believe you When you say you don't need me anymore So don't pretend to Not love me at all
Just don't stand there and watch me fall 'Cause I 'Cause I still don't mind at all It's like The way we fight The times I cry We come to blows And every night The passion's there So it's gotta be right Right?
No I don't believe you When you say don't come around here no more I won't remind you You said we wouldn't be apart No I don't believe you When you say you don't need me anymore So don't pretend to Not love me at all
'Cause I don't believe you
Omgosh, haven't been able to update, due to screwy internet (Which is surprisingly not screwy today! I didn't like DC at all, maybe it likes Janson or something -.-)
  'No matter what, dear Huien just don't want can't show her face 'cause she knows we'd all get blinded by her beauty' -Quote Deborah I think I'm really good at the Maureen's pose, and I'm addicted to it -_-
Deborah's Birthday Well, I really had fun on Deborah's birthday. Never really like, just went out to celebrate a person's birthday, in a way, like just go out, and hit the malls and window shop. Which reminds me that Janelle's birthday is coming and she'll probably have a birthday party and I won't be able to go :(
Really hopes Deborah had fun :D
Daughter, I never could say how much I love you and you're just so awesome! No matter how slow you may be when it comes to most stuff but you're so much smarter than the rest of us in your academia. And you're just that perfect friend, that never fails to make me smile because you're like Little Miss Sunshine. PAPA LOVES YOU :D (I know I'm 2 days late on my blog but hey, I'm probably the first person to wish her Happy Birthday. I stayed up specially for it ok!!!! :D)
 Traditional photo before mirror before leaving Serena's house Labour Day Sorry for the random breaking down (Well it wasn't all that random) but I just couldn't help it but felt like my efforts were wasted that instant. At least it was productive that day. I sacrificed my sleep to stay up just to do the dance, like what, I worked on it from 10pm to 3.30am when I was already super tired that night from all the walking and tuition till 8+ in the evening. But I hung on, then slept for 4 hours and went all the way to Simei and I felt that what I got was shit but it was really good in the end and I really really really appreciated everyone's efforts!!!! :D
I hope the other people will be just as enthu as well.
And Leon is so................
 He totally ripped Ken's head off and placed it there... .jpg) .jpg) Look at Ken! .jpg) I placed Ken's head in the wrong direction and he looked totally retarded .jpg) .jpg) Headless Ken! .jpg) Nice one, Ken! .jpg) .jpg) Deborah's masterpiece -_- .jpg) Ken doing the perfect split -.-
I'm really happy. Today was really productive. I'm so sure my laptop loves Janson. When I wanted to blog this, it kept DC-ing. Tsk.